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Lost Recap 6×10: The Package

April 4th, 2010 § 80

This week on Lost, Sun bumps her head, Jin gets tied up, Mocke and Widmore declare war, Desmond sees a mermaid, and Patchy’s vision gets considerably worse.

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Lost Recap 6×09: Ab Aeterno

March 28th, 2010 § 110

This week on Lost, Richard has the worst week of his decidedly loooong life, Jacob and Smokey face off, and Hurley does some ghost whispering.

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Lost Recap 6×08: Recon

March 21st, 2010 § 79

This week on Lost, Sawyer hangs out with Liz Lemon, Kate and Mocke bond over mommy issues, Claire gets bitchslapped, and Detective James Ford gets thrown into some lockers.

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Lost Recap 6×07: Dr. Linus

March 14th, 2010 § 85

This week on Lost, Richard loses his will to live, Ben and Ilana bond, Sun wonders where Jin got to, and Alex gets into Yale.

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Lost Recap 6×06: Sundown

March 7th, 2010 § 73

This week on Lost, Sayid goes on a killing spree in not just one but TWO dimensions, Kate and Claire are reunited and it should technically feel so good but doesn’t at all, and Smokey gathers his army.

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Lost Recap 6×05: The Lighthouse

February 28th, 2010 § 103

This week on Lost, Claire becomes an ax murderer, Hurley runs an errand for Jacob, Jack procreates and also smashes things, and we get another clue about WTF is going on with the numbers.

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Lost Recap 6×04: The Substitute

February 21st, 2010 § 98

This week on Lost, Richard freaks out, Smokey and Sawyer go spelunking, Locke gets a new lease on life, and we forgive Darlton for last week’s episode.

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Lost Recap 6×03: What Kate Does

February 14th, 2010 § 62

This week on Lost, Claire and Kate go on a road trip, Jack learns how to smile, Sawyer learns how to wallow, and Sayid is CLAIMED.

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Lost Recap 6×01: LA X

February 7th, 2010 § 101

This week on Lost, people we thought were dead are alive, people we thought were alive are kind of dead, Smokey gets homesick, the Losties check out the Temple of Doom, and we finally land at LAX.

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January 19th, 2010 § 4

With only 2 weeks left (‘a;sdlfkd’as;lks!!!!!!!!) before the big Season 6 premiere, you may find yourself wanting to brush up on your LOST. Here I’ve compiled a list of all my recaps for you to peruse at your leisure. Feel free to share with your friends/loved ones/coworkers/hatch mates/etc.


Season 5 Recaps:

Older Recaps:

Coming soon: My Top 100 Lost Lines of All Time! Stay tuned!

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