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Submit your questions for the Lost Encyclopedia Authors!

May 25th, 2010 § 105

Some of you may have already heard – on August 16, 2010 DK Publishing will be releasing The Lost Encyclopedia!!!!

From the publisher:

Featuring more than 400 pages and over 1500 images, the LOST Encyclopedia will be a comprehensive guide to the characters, items, locations, plotlines, relationships, and mythologies from all six seasons of the landmark series aired on ABC-TV and produced by ABC Studios. Created in full collaboration with ABC Entertainment and ABC Studios, this will be the first and only fully licensed and comprehensive reference to all things LOST, and it includes a foreword by executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse.

Cool, right!? Even cooler? I’ll be giving away three copies of the book when it’s released – details coming later this summer! Even MORE COOLER?? I’m doing a Q & A with the authors Tara Bennett and Paul Terry tomorrow!!! I’ve already got some questions for them, but I thought it would be fun if you guys wanted to submit some questions too. I can’t ask them all, but I’ll choose my favorites to include in the interview!

If you’d like to submit a question, leave it as a comment here. If you’d like me to use your real name (or your first name, last initial) make sure you include that, otherwise I’ll use your screen names.

P.S. You should be asking questions about the book and how they wrote it and the authors themselves, not so much unanswered questions from the show…I doubt they know the answers!

Smokey’s real name, what was with the wreckage during the credits, and why was the weather so wonky?

May 24th, 2010 § 36

E!’s Watch with Kristin gave some answers to some burning questions we had about the finale last night!

In case you don’t feel like watching the whole video, this is what we learned…

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The Lost Finale: And these visions of Johanna are now all that remain.

May 24th, 2010 § 130

Back in October, Damon Lindelof was interviewed, and was asked which song he thought best represented the mood of Lost’s sixth season. The answer he gave was Bob Dylan’s “Visions of Johanna,” a song whose meaning has been speculated about for many years. On the very surface, the song is about being stranded. However, there is a theory that Louise in the song represents the finite – your earthly body, while Johanna represents the infinite – your soul. Throughout the season, I kept this song in the back of my mind, trying to understand why of all the songs in the world to choose, Damon chose this one. Having now seen the finale, I finally understand.

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SPOILER ALERT: Discussion Post for “The End”

May 24th, 2010 § 178


Mini-recap will be up tomorrow!

After the jump: Let’s freak out about this together, guys.

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Benry Knows Best: Finale Finale

May 23rd, 2010 § 24

And now a very VERY special Lost Finale Benry Knows Best! Thank you very much to the artist, who put so much work into this and all the Ben comics over the last year!

Finale Finale

There will still be a few new comics in the coming week, so stay tuned.

This Week in Unnecessary Censorship – Lost Edition

May 23rd, 2010 § 15

For anyone who could use a laugh today (which I’m guessing a lot of you do) watch this. It’s really, really funny. LOL the last clip is the best.

Benry Knows Best: Hurt Locke & Just Desserts

May 23rd, 2010 § 7

Click on the thumbnail to see the comic!

Hurt Locker

Just Desserts

Benry Knows Best: Man of Constant Sorrow

May 21st, 2010 § 10

Click on the thumbnail to see the comic!

Man of Constant Sorrow

Lost Recap 6×16: What They Died For

May 21st, 2010 § 92

This week on Lost, Ben gets revenge and a lady friend, Desmond turns himself in and breaks himself out, Jacob finally explains himself, Jack drinks the magic Kool-Aid, and we all put our trays in the upright and locked position and prepare for The End.

» Read the rest of this entry « ranks Lost characters by sexiness! Do you agree?

May 20th, 2010 § 35 has ranked every single character from Lost in terms of sexiness!

The Men of Lost

The Women of Lost

Where do your favorites fall? I can already hear you guys screaming your objections – NADIA SEXIER THAN NIKKI????? EKO SEXIER THAN CHARLIE?????? but still, they are fun lists worth checking out!

Desmond may be a sexy beast, but no one – NO ONE puts Sawyer in a corner. Also for the record, I’d marry Hurley in an instant.