Back in October, Damon Lindelof was interviewed, and was asked which song he thought best represented the mood of Lost’s sixth season. The answer he gave was Bob Dylan’s “Visions of Johanna,” a song whose meaning has been speculated about for many years. On the very surface, the song is about being stranded. However, there is a theory that Louise in the song represents the finite – your earthly body, while Johanna represents the infinite – your soul. Throughout the season, I kept this song in the back of my mind, trying to understand why of all the songs in the world to choose, Damon chose this one. Having now seen the finale, I finally understand.
The Lost Finale: And these visions of Johanna are now all that remain.
May 24th, 2010 § 79
LOST TOP 10: Music
January 4th, 2010 § 28
I know I’m not the only one who can’t hear a Patsy Cline song without thinking of Kate Austen. Here’s a list of my 10 favorite musical moments (with links to the songs!) that have been used on Lost.
Previously on Lost…
November 12th, 2008 § 4
Previously on Lost, the Lost recap band that once included a line about Jears in a song, were interviewed by the Washington Post!
Bear McCreary’s “Revelations” Score
June 16th, 2008 § 15
If you’re a fan of Battlestar Galactica and you are interested in the music that goes into the show, you really MUST read Bear McCreary’s blog post, which explains how and why he wrote the music for the mid-season finale, “Revelations.”
The guy’s a genius. The lyrics that he wrote (which are sung by a choir in Samoan and Latin) gave me goosebumps. And it’s humbling to hear that people as brilliant as Mr. McCreary still worry about how the hell they’re going to top themselves.
SPOILERS for the episode are included! You have been warned!
I wish we could buy this soundtrack right NOW.
Lost Season 3 Soundtrack Finally Released!
June 11th, 2008 § 8
For any fans of original soundtracks, the Lost Season 3 soundtrack was finally released last week. Michael Giacchino is back with 2 discs (67 tracks!) of the sometimes disquieting, sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes terrifying, but always amazing music he writes for Lost.
My own personal favorite theme from the show is Locke’s – “Locke’d Out Again” from the Season 1 soundtrack is my favorite piece. Desmond and Penny and Sun and Jin also have gorgeous themes, and you cannot deny the Action Sayid music, or the POOT POOT BRUMP (i.e. Ben says something evil, they cut away to commercial, POOT POOT BRUMP).
An added bonus are Giacchino’s pun-tastic song titles. This time around we’ve got “Leggo My Eko,” “Here Today, Gone to Maui,” “Rushin’ The Russian,” “Benomination of the Temple,” “Weapon of Mass Distraction,” “Through the Locke-ing Glass,” “All Jack’ed Up,” and my favorite, “Jintimidating Bernard.”
The Charlie songs will break your heart. Just a warning.
In other news, thanks for all your wonderful comments on my Lost Finale Recap! Up next I’ve got some lists (The Best Nerds, Geeks, and Dorks) and most likely a Battlestar Galactica Season 4 recap after the last episode airs Friday. So keep an eye out. Unless you’re Colonel Tigh, in which case that may be difficult.