For anyone who could use a laugh today (which I’m guessing a lot of you do) watch this. It’s really, really funny. LOL the last clip is the best.
This Week in Unnecessary Censorship – Lost Edition
May 23rd, 2010 § 15
Damon and Carlton’s Top Ten Lost Spoilers for the Finale
May 20th, 2010 § 16
Number 5 and Number 2 are obviously the best hahaha. Nice, Darlton. I wish they could have written these themselves.
Strap on your lollerskates
May 18th, 2010 § 15
Do You Believe in Life After Lost?
May 17th, 2010 § 18
How will the most crazed Lost fans handle their favorite show going off the air forever? My own local hometown heroes Matt and Dave of Animosity Pierre (which you may remember from such films as LOST in Five Minutes and Previously on Lost) have made a new video showing one fan’s hilarious descent into madness.
Lost Videos to Make You Laugh
May 13th, 2010 § 20
Feeling slightly depressed now that end is so near? I’ve listed a bunch of my favorite Lost videos to brighten your day.
Jimmy Kimmel’s Jacob and Man in Black LOST Game:
Lost A to Z
April 30th, 2010 § 5
Here’s another fun Lost post I wish I’d written: Lost A-Z Edward Gorey-style!!
E is for Eko, killed not by his brother
F is for Faraday, shot by his mother
Michael Emerson’s 1992 Prison Training Video
March 4th, 2010 § 21
Lost Photoshop Contest: Winners!
February 17th, 2010 § 21
And now the results of the Lost Photoshop Contest! I’d like to thank everyone that entered, you guys all had me laughing every time I opened my email!
The entries were judged by myself, IHD, who is the wonderful artist of the wonderful Benry Knows Best Comics, and Maggie, the mad genius behind Linus In Hats, in which she draws amazingly funny head gear for her cats [Benjamin] Linus and Hugo [Reyes]!
After the jump: The GRAND PRIZE WINNER, along with each of the judge’s Runner Up favorite, and the remaining Top 10!
Lost “Answers” Video
February 3rd, 2010 § 8
Lost in 5 Minutes!
January 26th, 2010 § 7
The guys who brought you the hilarious Previously on Lost video last season have done it again!
It’s Lost! In 5 minutes! I’ve seen a lot of fan videos through the years, but it’s rare that they have me actually laughing out loud. Check it out!