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Benry Knows Best: A One and a Two & Finale

June 1st, 2010 § 44

And now with a heavy heart I post the last Benry Knows Best comics!!!! ;_;

The artist will be setting up an archive of these wonderful comics elsewhere in the days to come – I’ll be sure to give you all the link.

A One and A Two


Thanks again to the artist of these adorably awesome comics!!!!!!

Holy crap you guys

May 31st, 2010 § 15

I’ve just been reading all the comments you guys have left me for the finale recap. I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you all. Seriously. People often asked me over the years why I bothered spending so much time writing these Lost recaps for a bunch of total strangers.

The comments you guys left me…that’s exactly why I did it. Now I feel like one of Jacob’s special snowflakes.

I wish I could thank you each individually, but this will have to suffice! THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!! Your kind comments mean more to me than you know :D

Lost Recap 6×17: The End Part III of III

May 30th, 2010 § 170

Part III of the epic three part Lost Finale recap!

Click to read Part I
Click to read Part II

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Lost Recap 6×17: The End Part II of III

May 30th, 2010 § 22

Part II of the epic three part Lost Finale recap!

Click to read Part I
Click to read Part III

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Lost Recap 6×17: The End Part I of III

May 30th, 2010 § 32

Part I of the epic three part Lost Finale recap!

Click to read Part II
Click to read Part III

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Lost Finale Party Photos

May 26th, 2010 § 15

Click the photo to see my Lost Finale party photos! I’d love to see all of your photos – leave me some links or post them here and I’ll post my favorites over the next few days!

Smokey’s real name, what was with the wreckage during the credits, and why was the weather so wonky?

May 24th, 2010 § 15

E!’s Watch with Kristin gave some answers to some burning questions we had about the finale last night!

In case you don’t feel like watching the whole video, this is what we learned…

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The Lost Finale: And these visions of Johanna are now all that remain.

May 24th, 2010 § 73

Back in October, Damon Lindelof was interviewed, and was asked which song he thought best represented the mood of Lost’s sixth season. The answer he gave was Bob Dylan’s “Visions of Johanna,” a song whose meaning has been speculated about for many years. On the very surface, the song is about being stranded. However, there is a theory that Louise in the song represents the finite – your earthly body, while Johanna represents the infinite – your soul. Throughout the season, I kept this song in the back of my mind, trying to understand why of all the songs in the world to choose, Damon chose this one. Having now seen the finale, I finally understand.

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SPOILER ALERT: Discussion Post for “The End”

May 24th, 2010 § 136


Mini-recap will be up tomorrow!

After the jump: Let’s freak out about this together, guys.

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Benry Knows Best: Finale Finale

May 23rd, 2010 § 23

And now a very VERY special Lost Finale Benry Knows Best! Thank you very much to the artist, who put so much work into this and all the Ben comics over the last year!

Finale Finale

There will still be a few new comics in the coming week, so stay tuned.

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