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Golden Globe Nominations

December 15th, 2009 § 6

The 2009 Golden Globe nominations were announced this morning!

View the complete list here.

I’m particularly happy for Michael Emerson, Glee (woo Jane Lynch!) True Blood, Dexter (woo Michael C. Hall and John Lithgow!), 30 Rock, Mad Men (woo Jon Hamm!), and The Office.

With Ricky Gervais hosting this year, the night could turn out to be kind of awesome.

Daily Dose of Lost – 8/21/09

August 21st, 2009 § 5


“I’m free, Lemon!”

“Where are you? I hear sunshine.”

– Liz Lemon and Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock

Jon Hamm is dreamy, whether he admits it or not.

August 12th, 2009 § 5


The Onion’s AV Club interviewed Mad Men’s Jon Hamm about being Don Draper, hanging out with comedians, and being Liz Lemon’s almost perfect boyfriend on 30 Rock:

Well, on 30 Rock it was played for laughs, and comically exaggerated. I’m certainly not the best-looking person on the planet, and I would never ever say that. And I don’t think anybody really would, with a straight face, especially people who know me. But, you know, it’s funny. At the end of the day, the 30 Rock writers have to get out of that scenario they’ve built for themselves. If Liz Lemon and Dr. Drew fall madly in love, then there’s no more show. So you have to kind of create something that’s going to break this thing up. And my character’s not a bad guy; he’s not anything but a good guy. So the funniest way to get out of that was the way they did, which was to make this person almost functionally retarded, and yet completely lauded and celebrated, with all of his shortcomings overlooked because he’s handsome. I think that says a lot about our culture, where we’re willing to excuse people if they are celebrities, or they’re pretty, or whatever. This sort of shallow way that sometimes our culture tends to look past things.

Mad Men starts this Sunday!!! FINALLY!!!

Daily Dose of Lost – 7/30/09

July 30th, 2009 § 4

“Are these people your family? Why are they all smiling? Who’s being ostracized?”

– Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock

Daily Dose of Lost – 6/09/09

June 9th, 2009 § 5

“Mother, there are terrorist cells that are more nurturing than you are.”

– Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock

Have a quote you’d like me to use on a future Daily Dose? Leave it in the Suggestion Box!

Daily Dose of Lost – 12/05/08

December 5th, 2008 § 2

“If there’s one thing I learned from you, Jack, it’s to keep your friends close and your enemies so close that you’re almost kissing.”

– Devon Banks, 30 Rock

Daily Dose of Lost – 10/27/08

October 27th, 2008 § 2

“You know how John Lennon was better than all the rest of the Beatles but he never realized it until he met Yoko?”

“Well I’m going to be Jack’s Yoko!”

“…You want to be Yoko?!”

– Phoebe and Liz Lemon, 30 Rock

Daily Dose of Lost – 9/07/08

September 7th, 2008 § 2

“Tell her that you want your privates and her privates to do a high-five.”

“Tell her that her butt looks like an apple and you wanna take a bite.”

– Tracy Jordan giving Jack Donaghy girl advice, 30 Rock

Daily Dose of Lost – 8/27/08

August 27th, 2008 § 6

“You know what, I’m gonna make you a mix tape. You like Phil Collins?”

“I’ve got two ears and a heart don’t I?”

– Tracy Jordan and Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock

Emmy Nominations!

July 17th, 2008 § 5

I’m coming out of my mid-summer fandom hibernation to say a quick “congrats” to all my favorite shows that scored Emmy nominations this morning.

Lost was nominated for 7 Emmys, including Best Drama Series (!!!), Best Cinematography, and Best Supporting Actor for Michael Emerson, which is MUCh deserved.

The Office was nominated for 8 Emmys, including Best Comedy Series, Best Actor (Steve Carell), Best Supporting Actor (Rainn Wilson), and a slew of writing and directing Emmys.

And *gasp* BATTLESTAR GALACTICA was nominated for 5 Emmys, including Best Writing, Best Special Effects, Best Cinematography, and Best Editing!!!

30 Rock got a crazy 17 nominations for pretty much everything ever! Including Will Arnett for Best Guest Actor!

Flight of the Conchords were nominated for 2 of their songs, Dexter is nominated for Best Drama Series, Family Guy was nominated for Blue Harvest, Extras got 6 noms, including one for Ricky Gervais, The Daily Show and Colbert got their usual nods…

Altogether not too disappointing (although a writing nomination for Lost, or an acting nom or the *unthinkable* – a Best Drama Series for BSG would have been frakking awesome) But hell, even Supernatural got a nomination.

You can see the full list of Emmy nominations HERE.

I knew I had good taste in TV.

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