For anyone who could use a laugh today (which I’m guessing a lot of you do) watch this. It’s really, really funny. LOL the last clip is the best.
The Ack Attack!
putting the "ack" in "crack" since 2005
May 23rd, 2010 § 15
For anyone who could use a laugh today (which I’m guessing a lot of you do) watch this. It’s really, really funny. LOL the last clip is the best.
Just saw this on another site. Hilarious! I like the nurse’s expression when Jack tells Sara “I’m going to #@*! you.”
LOLOL! Thanks for this, I really loved “While you’re at it, I could use a bleep job”
*wipes tears of laughter from her eyes* Oh my…that was friggin’ hilarious. xD I really needed that on such a sad day. ;___;
this definitely made my day better. i’m now scrounging around for more funny LOST clips to distract myself from the fact that it’s ending in like 10 hours.
LOL :—D Super hilarious!
Saw this earlier, hilarious stuff :)
I love how Ben wants Jack to want to *beep* his *beep*.
Thank’s Ack for the laugh, I have been weepy all day. My husband and family think I am really nuts, it’s great to know there are ‘other’s’ here who get the whole lost experience. Super-fans support 101, thanks for the incredible ride in the dharma van of mystery. *hugs*
Seriously, the whole thing had me laughing, but I lost it and was in tears roaring with laughter at the last bit, the gleeful way John woke Michael up to tell him that.
That was bleeping hilarious. Thanks for the pick me.
Oh, that is so wrong! And so, so funny! Thanks for the laugh!
Brilliant. Nice one ack. I wont see the finale until tomoro afternoon unfortunately so good luck and see you on the other side!
aagghhh still in the hospital and have to watch it on the crappy hospital tv !! thankfully I can get this site but most stuff is filtered out. so I could not read this to get a much needed laugh !!!!! sooo frustrated !!!!!!
Ben wants you to want to suck his cock
Oh my god, that last one made me laugh so much. XD
Oh my god, Locke and Vincent! LOL
Thanks Ack! :)