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Golden Globe Nominations

December 15th, 2009 § 6

The 2009 Golden Globe nominations were announced this morning!

View the complete list here.

I’m particularly happy for Michael Emerson, Glee (woo Jane Lynch!) True Blood, Dexter (woo Michael C. Hall and John Lithgow!), 30 Rock, Mad Men (woo Jon Hamm!), and The Office.

With Ricky Gervais hosting this year, the night could turn out to be kind of awesome.

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§ 6 Responses to “Golden Globe Nominations”

  • LithiumRox says:

    Whoa, Michael Emmerson vs NPH? That’s a fun match-up…
    As much as I love Benry, I kinda really want NPH to get it since he was totally robbed at the Emmys. I still can’t believe he lost to Jon Freakin’ Cryor. *not bitter*

  • Lauren M says:

    Seriously LithiumRox, that was pure bullshit.

    On a side note, I hope inglourious basterds wins something. And with Ricky Gervias hosting the Golden Globes may finally be interesting, for once.

  • Api says:

    Michael Emmerson deserves it! It’s nice to see that Grey’s Anatomy is not in the list (FINALLY!)

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