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Golden Globe Nominations

December 15th, 2009 § 3

The 2009 Golden Globe nominations were announced this morning!

View the complete list here.

I’m particularly happy for Michael Emerson, Glee (woo Jane Lynch!) True Blood, Dexter (woo Michael C. Hall and John Lithgow!), 30 Rock, Mad Men (woo Jon Hamm!), and The Office.

With Ricky Gervais hosting this year, the night could turn out to be kind of awesome.

Well, I feel special now.

July 20th, 2009 § 1

I have been nominated for Best Humor Blog over at the Blogger’s Choice Awards!!! (Thanks to Diane!!)

My site was nominated for Best Humor Blog!


If you feel so inclined :D

Emmy Nominations!

July 17th, 2008 § 5

I’m coming out of my mid-summer fandom hibernation to say a quick “congrats” to all my favorite shows that scored Emmy nominations this morning.

Lost was nominated for 7 Emmys, including Best Drama Series (!!!), Best Cinematography, and Best Supporting Actor for Michael Emerson, which is MUCh deserved.

The Office was nominated for 8 Emmys, including Best Comedy Series, Best Actor (Steve Carell), Best Supporting Actor (Rainn Wilson), and a slew of writing and directing Emmys.

And *gasp* BATTLESTAR GALACTICA was nominated for 5 Emmys, including Best Writing, Best Special Effects, Best Cinematography, and Best Editing!!!

30 Rock got a crazy 17 nominations for pretty much everything ever! Including Will Arnett for Best Guest Actor!

Flight of the Conchords were nominated for 2 of their songs, Dexter is nominated for Best Drama Series, Family Guy was nominated for Blue Harvest, Extras got 6 noms, including one for Ricky Gervais, The Daily Show and Colbert got their usual nods…

Altogether not too disappointing (although a writing nomination for Lost, or an acting nom or the *unthinkable* – a Best Drama Series for BSG would have been frakking awesome) But hell, even Supernatural got a nomination.

You can see the full list of Emmy nominations HERE.

I knew I had good taste in TV.

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