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Lost Photoshop Contest: Winners!

February 17th, 2010 § 21

And now the results of the Lost Photoshop Contest! I’d like to thank everyone that entered, you guys all had me laughing every time I opened my email!

The entries were judged by myself, IHD, who is the wonderful artist of the wonderful Benry Knows Best Comics, and Maggie, the mad genius behind Linus In Hats, in which she draws amazingly funny head gear for her cats [Benjamin] Linus and Hugo [Reyes]!

After the jump: The GRAND PRIZE WINNER, along with each of the judge’s Runner Up favorite, and the remaining Top 10!

And now the Grand Prize Winner of the Lost Photoshop Contest!!!

We had many entries, but none of them made all three of us laugh as hard as this amazing masterpiece!!! BRAVO!!! CONGRATS, JENN!!! You are the winner of the Cafepress Lost shirt!

“The Claiming of Sayid” by Jenn A.

None of the entries had official titles, so I provided them haha. You can click on any of the images to see them in full size.

This is my OWN Runner Up because I’ve only dreamed of this moment every day since laying eyes on Josh Holloway. :D

“YES PLZ” (by metamorphagiandanimagi)

IHD’s Runner Up (shocker lol): “Ben With the Pearl Earring” by Laura L.

Maggie’s Runner Up: “The Fine Print” by Thea N.

And the remaining Top 10 entries in no particular order!

“Jack’s Beard Makes Him Feel Not So Fresh” by Mallory S.

“Bazinga!” by Jordan S.

“His Name is Carlos” by Liz

“Fertile Myrtle” by Katie

“Dogen Ono” by Chris

“Apocalypse Now” by Oliver C.

So thanks again to all who entered, and thanks to Cafepress for the free t-shirt giveaway!

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