Good news, kids.
I’ll have your Lost Finale recap posted by the end of the week. Thanks to all for waiting patiently :D
P.S. If you’re a fan of BSG, check out fanwanker’s hysterical BSG stick figure recapof the most recent episode!
June 3rd, 2008 § 2
Good news, kids.
I’ll have your Lost Finale recap posted by the end of the week. Thanks to all for waiting patiently :D
P.S. If you’re a fan of BSG, check out fanwanker’s hysterical BSG stick figure recapof the most recent episode!
April 30th, 2008 § 9
Let’s say that Ben was able to manipulate the smoke monster, but on the show everything is a binary system, everything is in balance, morally balanced or economically balanced, so for Ben to make a thing happen like that, there is also a price, I think, that he had to pay. We don’t know what Ben paid yet to make the smoke monster come. We don’t know that he… “Is he allowed to do that?†and everyone who has power also pays a price. John Locke is going to pay a price. Ben has paid a price… Nothing is for free in terms of power or morality on the island and I’m beginning to see that the writers are more interested in that pattern, too, of this living ledger book system.
April 25th, 2008 § 2
April 24th, 2008 § 8
First of all let me just say HAPPY LOST DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you’ve got a Livejournal account and you’ll be watching Lost at 10 p.m. EST, come hang out at my ongoing Lost post! It will be posted here a few minutes before the show begins. Make sure to bring your capslock.
When presented with the “The island is stuck in 1988 theory”
Lindelof: “What I love about this theory is that for some reason the island has remained locked in 1988 while the rest of the universe proceeds normally. It makes me wonder what happened in 1988 that this person wants this world to forever be 1988.â€
Cuse: “The person could be a Cyndi Lauper fan.â€
Lindelof: “I think she had already peaked. By ‘88, we’re talking about U2 and INXS. Just the idea that everybody on the island is in 1988 is pretty crazy.â€
April 22nd, 2008 § 1
Rekha Sharma (who plays Tory) was asked about the whole crying-during-sex thing…
Michael Trucco: Who [thought of] the crying during sex part?
Rekha: [Director] Michael Angeli is responsible for that. Apparently there is some person he knew through someone… this is a true story apparently. So he wanted me to carry that torch.
Michael: You didn’t cry when you were with Anders?
Rekha: Hell no…
So Say We All.
Things You Will Need:
- Paul Rudd’s phone number
- A giant bag of weed (usually Paul Rudd can provide this)
April 21st, 2008 § 11
You can find the podcasts in the Apple iTunes Podcast Directory by searching for “Battlestar Galactica” and choosing the official SciFi Channel podcast.
“It sounds crazy, but even though I’ve read the script, I still sometimes don’t get what just happened,” says Emerson. “I may have a brain defect of some sort because I will just miss obvious things and have to have them explained to me by relatives and children.”
Lost is back in 3 days!!! Hold onto your butts!
April 18th, 2008 § 4
“I’ve been recently given an opportunity to be in a film, Forgetting Sarah Marshall. This is all you need to know about me, although I have a Victorian vocabulary and a preposterous haircut.”
April 15th, 2008 § 5
April 15th, 2008 § 7
9 Days until Lost!!!!!!!!! Recap of Season 4 So Far coming soon :D
April 13th, 2008 § 7