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Daily Linkage 4/24/08

April 24th, 2008 § 8

First of all let me just say HAPPY LOST DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you’ve got a Livejournal account and you’ll be watching Lost at 10 p.m. EST, come hang out at my ongoing Lost post! It will be posted here a few minutes before the show begins. Make sure to bring your capslock.

  • Remember those Lost theories we submitted last week to USA Today? They have been answered! Read each theory, then give it a grade to see what Damon and Carlton say about it. Snark is running high as Damon and Carlton react to fans’ ideas!!

    When presented with the “The island is stuck in 1988 theory”

    Lindelof: “What I love about this theory is that for some reason the island has remained locked in 1988 while the rest of the universe proceeds normally. It makes me wonder what happened in 1988 that this person wants this world to forever be 1988.”

    Cuse: “The person could be a Cyndi Lauper fan.”

    Lindelof: “I think she had already peaked. By ‘88, we’re talking about U2 and INXS. Just the idea that everybody on the island is in 1988 is pretty crazy.”

  • Ausiello’s got spoilers out the ying yang for Lost, The BSG spinoff Caprica, The Office, The Office’s own spinoff, and more.
  • Some scans of an article about Michael Trucco and his car accident from TV Guide. I cannot BELIEVE those scars. He’s kind of my hero.
  • And they are only photos OF photos, but Hot Damn!!! Tricia Helfer, Katee Sackhoff, and Grace Park in bikinis. Yowzahs.
  • Here’s a really interesting Final Cylon theory that I think makes a lot of sense…although I still think it’s Gaeta!
  • Ricky Gervais has an awesome blog post about his new movie This Side of Truth including photos of him, Tina Fey, and Rob Lowe…and toy guns. The best bit is the candid shot of Christopher Guest “preparing for his role.”
  • Speaking of Tina Fey, MSNBC is saying she’s the funniest person out there right now. As much as I love Ms. Fey and all the attention she is getting, I’d love to finally see an article about her that doesn’t include the words “It’s true, women can be funny.” Sigh.
  • The Deadbolt’s got 10 Movies they want to see this summer (and 5 that make them nervous). Number one on my list is definitely Pineapple Express, which stars the love of my life, Seth Rogen.

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§ 8 Responses to “Daily Linkage 4/24/08”

  • Starshine says:

    OMIGOD. They gave me Ds. I’m so happy. I wrote the “very bad dads” one. :D And at this point 135 people gave me As so thanks, you crazy kids. :D

  • Kim says:

    I loved that last Lost theory the best! I had never heard of that or thought of it but it’s v. interesting!

    Now I’m off to read the BSG one :D

  • merlinburgh says:

    omg I can’t wait for Pineapple Express. So far I am pretty convinced it will be the highlight of my summer!

  • Erica says:

    I read the USA Today theories as well! Very interesting.. kudos Starshine for having yours posted. :)

    Also, to Ack, just wanted to say I love your new site and all the nifty links you post. ^_^ I’ll be watching j00!!

  • Genevieve says:

    Island stuck in 1988? No way, that means I can never be with Sawyer, I’m -1!

  • allybubba says:

    WALL-E = <3

    and Lost.. omgomgomg. <3

  • Bill H says:

    I didn’t even submit my own 1988 theory because season 4 has made me think it’s wrong. But someone else copied and pasted my exact text from when I posted it on and took credit for it. That’s lame! But the fact that Darlton acknowledged its existence is still pretty cool.

  • rumblegirl says:

    i just got that copy of Interview in the mail yesterday with the Battlestar Galactipussy photos. I couldn’t help but laugh because the pics were meant to have that seedy low quality feel, but it looked a bit like the actresses had just fallen prey to some perv who wanted to take polaroids in the backyard behind his trailer. It felt a bit like the final moments of the movie Fame.

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