- Mike Judge finally wrote another movie and Jason Bateman will star!
- Bob Odenkirk and David Cross talk about their new show.
- Does Lost have a Redshirt problem?
- Mental Floss has an Old School Nickeloden Quiz!!!!
- Ron Moore’s Battlestar Galactica podcasts are finally available! I highly recommend these podcasts, they never fail to be interesting.
- Ian McKellan will definitely be back as Gandalf! Thank god. I can’t imagine anyone else in that role.
- Here’s a cool interview with Michael Emerson.
Let’s say that Ben was able to manipulate the smoke monster, but on the show everything is a binary system, everything is in balance, morally balanced or economically balanced, so for Ben to make a thing happen like that, there is also a price, I think, that he had to pay. We don’t know what Ben paid yet to make the smoke monster come. We don’t know that he… “Is he allowed to do that?†and everyone who has power also pays a price. John Locke is going to pay a price. Ben has paid a price… Nothing is for free in terms of power or morality on the island and I’m beginning to see that the writers are more interested in that pattern, too, of this living ledger book system.
Daily Linkage 4/30/08
April 30th, 2008 § 9
That’s like a SUPER old school Nickelodeon quiz. I only knew the Double Dare question; I’ve never heard of the other stuff.
Haha Lizz, you are making me feel really old!!
I totally got all but the Russian Turkey TV question! I LOVED that show, too! We’re old :)
I do not want to hear how old you kids are. I used to watch the Brady Bunch in NEW EPIS. Cool ‘Ben’ interview, Rachel. I can’t wait to see the price Locke’s going to pay….maybe when they talk to Jacob??
LMAO! I got all but the Turkey TV question as well!
It’s a little sad but I still remember the words to the PInwheel and the PIcture Pages themes!!! XD
I’m going to have to agree with Lizz on this–that was way old school. :P
I remembered a few of them though. And surprisingly I got 6/10.
Dude, I totally got a 100% on the Nickelodeon Quiz!! I can’t even believe it, because I almost said Debbie Gibson instead of New Kids. LMAO But I totally remember Pinwheel and YCDTOT, and all of it. Geez, I’m oooold. LMAO
wow i never realized that Pinheel was 5 hours long! I always hated that show except for Plus and Minus and the “Gotcha last!” game.
OH SNAP I just 90% on that Nick quiz. Ah memories!
OMG I hated Pinwheel but my brother loved it. I remember many a fight regarding that show.
I said Debbie Gibson. I don’t remember that show.