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Emmy Nominations!

July 17th, 2008 § 5

I’m coming out of my mid-summer fandom hibernation to say a quick “congrats” to all my favorite shows that scored Emmy nominations this morning.

Lost was nominated for 7 Emmys, including Best Drama Series (!!!), Best Cinematography, and Best Supporting Actor for Michael Emerson, which is MUCh deserved.

The Office was nominated for 8 Emmys, including Best Comedy Series, Best Actor (Steve Carell), Best Supporting Actor (Rainn Wilson), and a slew of writing and directing Emmys.

And *gasp* BATTLESTAR GALACTICA was nominated for 5 Emmys, including Best Writing, Best Special Effects, Best Cinematography, and Best Editing!!!

30 Rock got a crazy 17 nominations for pretty much everything ever! Including Will Arnett for Best Guest Actor!

Flight of the Conchords were nominated for 2 of their songs, Dexter is nominated for Best Drama Series, Family Guy was nominated for Blue Harvest, Extras got 6 noms, including one for Ricky Gervais, The Daily Show and Colbert got their usual nods…

Altogether not too disappointing (although a writing nomination for Lost, or an acting nom or the *unthinkable* – a Best Drama Series for BSG would have been frakking awesome) But hell, even Supernatural got a nomination.

You can see the full list of Emmy nominations HERE.

I knew I had good taste in TV.

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§ 5 Responses to “Emmy Nominations!”

  • gabsy says:

    Even Robot Chicken got a nom for their Star Wars special!

    Some of the noms make me angry (again… curse you, Two and a Half Men) but others make me very happy.

  • Hey!T says:


    And I agree totally WTF 2 1/2 men FTL

    Maybe BSG will sweep with the second half?

  • hobbitofkobol says:

    yay everyone you said!!!

    I wish Mary McDonnell had been nominated though… so close! :( Seriously.

    I’m still hoping for major BSG noms NEXT year… so say we all…

  • JEWELS says:

    LOST got eight nominations in total!

    Outstanding Cinematography For A One Hour Series
    LOST: The Constant

    Outstanding Drama Series

    Outstanding Music Composition For A Series (original Dramatic Score)
    LOST: The Constant

    Outstanding Single-camera Picture Editing For A Drama Series
    LOST: There’s No Place Like Home Parts 2 + 3

    Outstanding Sound Editing For A Series
    LOST: The Shape of Things to Come

    Outstanding Sound Mixing For A Comedy Or Drama Series (one-hour)
    LOST: Meet Kevin Johnson

    Outstanding Special Class – Short-format Live-action Entertainment Programs
    LOST Missing Pieces

    Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Drama Series
    LOST: Michael Emerson

  • icedtea says:

    Thanks for the heads up. Yay for Michael Emerson!

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