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Lost Linkage

May 15th, 2009 § 5

EW’s Joshua Rich wonders when Josh Holloway will finally get the props he deserves!! AMEN!!!!!!!!! Someone give that guy an Emmy! And also my phone number! A few links for those who are not yet totally sick of reading about the finale:

  • Nikki Stafford’s insanely thorough and enlightening finale recap
  • Jeff Jensen’s always spectacular recap
  • New Yorker Magazine’s gigantic list of unanswered questions
  • And here’s a great interview with Michael Emerson
  • I really do think that every time you play a role well, you are in danger of being identified with that role until the next big thing comes along. My break on the live stage was playing the character Oscar Wilde in Gross Indecency. So for a while, it looked like all I would ever play was flamboyant Englishmen.

    In other news, I’ll be restarting my Daily Dose of Lost once my own recap has been posted! (The recap may be in two parts…so much to mock cover.)

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    § 5 Responses to “Lost Linkage”

    • ... says:

      Give him an Emmy, yes, but dear God, not for that Sulishit/LaPuke garbage we got all season!

    • rachelack says:

      Hahaha LaPuke!

      Yeah I wasn’t down with the whole Suliet thing, but Josh is awesome no matter what.

    • ... says:

      “but Josh is awesome no matter what.”

      True! :)

      If he gets an Emmy I’d love for it to be for his scene in TLP when he sees Kate in the jungle. He said so much without saying a word. That, to me, was so much more powerful than the Suliet death scene. Didn’t hurt that his feelings for Kate were actually believable.

      I think the Suliet scene would have delivered more emotional punch for me if we’d seen why they loved each other so much and seen it built up the way Skate has been. Not to say it wasn’t well-acted and sad even so, but it just didn’t have the emotional investment for me.

    • w says:

      Cannot wait for your recap!

      A shame there were not nearly enough jears.

    • Sniper says:

      I came across this while looking for embroidery patterns, and just had to share:

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