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Jeff Jensen is Grand Poobah of Lost Fans

February 17th, 2010 § 6

In case anyone out there is living under a rock (or in a cave, hur hur), and you are a big Lost fan who is into theories, cracking codes, picking up on symbolism, etc., you should definitely be reading Entertainment Weekly’s Jeff Jensen. He reviews each episode in an absolutely insane amount of detail. In. Sane.

Even if you don’t agree with most of what he’s saying, you’re bound to come across a cool nugget of info that managed to slip past the rest of us. His recaps are especially good for episodes like “The Substitute” if you, like me, feel like your brain has been smashed into a jelly.

In other news: The winner of the Photoshop Contest will be announced tonight! I’ll be posting the Top 10 entries!

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§ 6 Responses to “Jeff Jensen is Grand Poobah of Lost Fans”

  • snoop says:

    Yeh, I love Jeff Jensen’s recaps, even though much of what he says usually goes way above my head. His Totally Lost videos are absolutely nuts btw, him and Dan Snierson are hysterical.

  • Antoinette says:

    I don’t have the stamina to make it through those recaps most of the time. I usually get to page 3 lol. They don’t have enough lulz to keep my ADHD ass interested.

  • myemmie says:

    I love his recaps, too, and in particular this from the newest one:
    “Kate watched herself flutter through the déjà vu blinky-blinkies”

    made me LIRL. I want this to be a real medical term plz? :)

  • w says:

    Love Doc Jensen. Even if a lot of his connections and theories are really a huge stretch.

    And Totally Lost is awesome.

  • cj says:

    I love Doc, too. His were the first recaps I discovered. But I can’t read his columns anymore. He always seems to throw in spoilery type comments that I just don’t want to know about. No blatant spoilers, but it’s like he’s gotten too much access to Darlton or something and tries to give us hints about what’s going to happen. I’ll wait till the end of the season and then go back and watch and read everything.

    I also look away, plug my ears and go LA-LA-LA during the “Previously on Lost” because if they’re showing it, it must be hugely important to tonight’s show and I’d rather just find it out during the show. Is that strange?

  • w says:

    He may be a good theorizer, but I don’t think anything he says at all is spoilery. Not on purpose, anyway.

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