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SPOILER ALERT: Mini-Recap & Discussion Post for”What They Died For”

May 18th, 2010 § 74


After the jump: Mini-recap, questions, theories, and predictions!

By the way, my recap for this episode will be up Friday instead of Sunday for obvious reasons! Also, I will be splitting the finale into TWO recaps because it’s so long!

Stay tuned tomorrow, I’m going to be posting a something special I’ve been working on :D

On this week’s penultimate episode of Lost, Kate, Sawyer, Jack, and Hurley were still getting over the fact that Smokey tried to blow them up in the sub (and managed to kill half their friends in the process) when who should beckon them to a meeting but Jacob himself? They could all see and talk to him now (something to do with his ashes) and Jacob proceeded to tell them the entire plot of the sixth season. So now they know one of them has to replace him, and Jack volunteered, and so Jacob did some voodoo, made Jack drink some magic water, and poof, now Jacob = Jack.

Elsewhere, Widmore’s last stand against Smokey did’t go too well! Ben, Miles, and Richard had all found their way back to Otherville where Widmore’s crew was also hiding out. Once they knew Smokey was on his way, Miles ran, Richard got whisked away by the monster, and Ben decided he’d let Smokey kill him without fighting back. However, Smokey and Ben made a little deal that if Ben kills a bunch of people for Smokey, Smokey will let him have the island. Widmore told Smokey that he was there on Jacob’s orders, and that he brought Desmond to the island to act as a fail safe in case Jacob’s plan goes horribly awry. That’s all Widmore got to say because Ben promptly shot him dead because apparently he’s still pissed about Alex dying! Woops! Finally Smokey told Ben that he’s going to destroy the whole damn island, apparently.

In the Sideways World all kinds of things were going on – Ben got beaten up by Desmond, which triggered his island memories. Desmond joined forces with Kate and Sayid in jail, then Hurley helped them all escape by bribing Ana-Lucia, who he remembered from the island! Locke went to Jack and told him that he does want the surgery after all, and Ben had dinner at Alex’s house – with her mother Danielle – and the three of them were like an insta-family. And now basically everyone ever is planning to go to this big museum/concert/gala thing, where we all know something totally crazy’s going to happen!

We are so very close to the end that asking all these questions seems kind of silly, but it’s more to help us keep in mind what we should be paying attention to!


1. Where’s Richard? And what’s Desmond up to? Did Miles help him out of the well?

2. Hurley remembers Ana-Lucia from the island and not just Libby – do the other people also remember more from the island than just the people they loved?

3. Does Ben really want the island, or is he just out for revenge? Or is he scheming? (After all, he always has a plan, right?) I love that he’s evil again, by the way. Took him long enough!

4. When Ben cried about Alex in the Sideways World, is that because he remembered Alex from the island, or just because he was so touched?

5. Jacob told the Losties that he chose them all because they were unhappy and alone in their lives, just like he was. But what about all those other people on the plane? Were they actually happy? Did he just let them die?

6. So Desmond’s the fail safe? What does that even mean? It makes me think of the hatch fail safe key, which Desmond turned and caused the hatch implosion/sky turning purple/he time traveled/etc. I think they’re going to throw Desmond into the light. And he’s going to survive. Bring balance to the Force and all that.

– I loved when Jack said “I think you’re mistaking coincidence for fate” because for those that don’t remember, that is something Mistah Eko told Locke in Season 2!

– Despite the fact that Jacob had passed the torch to Jack, I don’t think Jack’s going to be protecting this island for long. In the end I don’t think the island will need any protecting, if it’s still there at all!

– Also, immortal Jack = my worst nightmare. Trust us Sawyer, we ALL thought Jack had a God complex before!

– This concert in the Sideways World is going to be like the “We Are the World” of Lost. EVERYONE’S going to be there!

– I love that Ana-Lucia is a corrupt cop. Makes so much sense. God I hated her.

– Speaking of which, GOODBYE POOR MAN’S TINA FEY.

– I cannot wait to see how this show ends. I don’t want the Sideways World to be the super happy ending since those are not the same exact characters we’ve been watching all this time, and it would negate the previous 5 years, but I have no idea where they are going with this right now! AGH!

– I can’t believe Widmore’s dead! I always thought he was so important to this whole thing and now he’s dead…I don’t get it.

– Interesting that Jacob crossing off the names didn’t mean much after all! I think it’s nice he crossed off names once people become mothers – I guess that means Jin was the ‘Kwon” on the ceiling then, huh?

– I loved seeing not crazy Danielle!!!! I hope her and Ben are very happy together, and I hope Danielle never gets her own flash of the island because if so, Ben’s in biiiig trouble.

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§ 74 Responses to “SPOILER ALERT: Mini-Recap & Discussion Post for”What They Died For””

  • Kristina says:

    “The other problematically stereotypical line cama when the Mother said that the light was in “all men” – I figured the writers frogot themselves and really meant “all people”, not “all males”.”

    I will point out that the Mother said that roughly two thousand years ago and originally in Latin. It fits for the time period.

  • JJ says:

    I think Jin is the Kwon referenced for a few reasons. First, women in Korea actually don’t take their husband’s name when they marry, therefore Sun is actually Paik. Even though the show doesn’t acknowledge this.

    Also, Sun alone of the Oceanic Six returning to the island did not flash back to 1977.

  • DB says:

    I got the sense that the Hurley that drove up in the Hummer and gave Ana Lucia the dough was actually Hurley from the island who somehow traveled to sideways world to help Desmond, like when they find Desmond in the next episode he will fill them in on his plan with all the people there and then he goes to sideways world (and enlists Hurley’s help) and works on his plan. That would explain how sideways Desmond went from being almost clueless (before he got brain-fried in Widmore’s machine)to all of a sudden becoming this man with a definite plan.

    I also was happy about PMTF’s death but felt a little gypped by Widmore’s. And talk about being on an emotional roller coaster with my feelings about Ben! It’s like the whole past 5 seasons on crystal meth (“aww he’s so good, what an a-hole,” etc.

    Good point about Jacob just letting the other people die…

    Do you think they will ever explain the whole thing about the island and pregnant women and why the Others took Claire and her baby in the first season? (or did I miss something – if so please explain)

  • Juan Mendoza says:

    ok so Desmond is gathering all of the “chosen” by Jacob, but how come he is not recruting Ana Lucia, Mr Ecco? Are they not important for whatever his plan at the opera/concert? That confused me…

  • Barb says:

    I am confused about the whole Kate “why am I not a candidate?” and Jacob “because you became a mother” stuff too …

    I personally did not interpret Jacob’s statement as applying to women and not men, but then I was also confused about how it would disqualify Kate but not Jin since, if I’m remembering correctly, didn’t Kate “become a mother” within the same/similar time frame as Jin becoming a father? Plus, Kate did not in fact really become a mother, since Aaron is Claire’s son, and Claire is still alive (albeit slightly crazy), so …

    But more importantly, the Numbers have been in existence pretty much since the inception of the show, and each Number was assigned to one of the six candidates, but there’s never been a Number assigned to Kate. So when exactly did she become disqualified? Based on the Numbers connection to the candidates, it would seem that Kate was disqualified long before even getting on the plane, which obviously would be before her becoming a mother.

    Is the aspect of the Numbers each being associated with a candidate being … ignored? forgotten?

    I had thought that Hurley was going to be the candidate, since otherwise he has not had any real significance to the whole story – everyone else seems to have found some form of “true love” or “true purpose” throughout everything, but not really Hurley – if he isn’t the ultimate hero, what is his purpose? And him saying “I’m just glad it wasn’t me” made me think even more that somehow he is going to become remarkably important. Could Jacob just have been trying to make Kate feel better for not being a candidate? Is Jack a “decoy” candidate?

    Oh, I just have so many questions … my brain hurts!

  • Signature One-Punch Knockout says:

    I’d also like to point out that as far as what the episode was promising, “What They Died For”, it didn’t give a very satisfactory answer — or any answer as far as I’m concerned. Jacob was still being ugh, Jacob, as far as I can see. I liked the episode on the whole though.

    I have no opinion on Jack either way, but I think he’s a bad replacement Jacob. I just don’t see it.

    Totally queueing up the ep again to watch another Benry beatdown though.

  • Juan Mendoza says:

    I also think that Benjamin Linus is trying to earn Smokey’s trust, so he can find out more about him and the island and ultimately kill him. I am not convinced he turned to the dark side yet again. maybe he is so furious at Smokey because he made him kill Jacob that the only way to kill him is by earning his trust…

  • lafleur says:

    Richard died… didnt he? *sniffles*

  • Anne says:

    I bet I know how Desmond climbed out of where Smocke threw him:

    Vincent: “Bark bark bark bark bark”

    Bernard: “What is it, boy?”

    Vincent: “Bark bark bark bark bark”

    Rose: “You say Desmond’s down a well?”

  • Sonrisas says:

    It didn’t make much sense that these candidates are the only lost and lonely people in, like, the last 2,000 years that Jacob could find. In fact, life was pretty good for Sun & Jin before they met Jacob. But hey, I’m just going with it at this point. I want to enjoy the last moments of this incredible show.

  • Rosie says:

    [However, Smokey and Ben made a little deal that if Ben kills a bunch of people for Smokey, Smokey will let him have the island. Widmore told Smokey that he was there on Jacob’s orders, and that he brought Desmond to the island to act as a fail safe in case Jacob’s plan goes horribly awry. That’s all Widmore got to say because Ben promptly shot him dead because apparently he’s still pissed about Alex dying! Woops! Finally Smokey told Ben that he’s going to destroy the whole damn island, apparently.]

    Now that Smokey has made it clear that he has no intention of leaving the island behind for Ben, why is the latter still hanging out with him?

  • Lee says:

    [I have no opinion on Jack either way, but I think he’s a bad replacement Jacob. I just don’t see it.]

    Jack, Sawyer, Kate, and just about everyone else are masterpieces of humanity in compare to Jacob. I’ll bet you ten bucks that Jack will make a better island protector.

  • Lee says:

    [ I love that Ana-Lucia is a corrupt cop. Makes so much sense. God I hated her.]

    I love Ana-Lucia. And when Cuse and Lindehof made her a corrupt cop, negating her last words before her death makes me want to kick the producers’ collective asses.

  • Lee says:

    [Also, immortal Jack = my worst nightmare. Trust us Sawyer, we ALL thought Jack had a God complex before!]

    After the shit that Sawyer pulled on the submarine, along with his murders of Tom, Anthony Cooper and Frank Duckett; I wouldn’t put him in charge of a toilet cleaning detail.

  • Signature One-Punch Knockout says:

    LOL @ Anne.

    @Lee: Agree with you on Ana Lucia and Jacob. I always thought Jacob was a douche for dicking everyone around, and that was even *before* last week’s episode. I agree with everyone saying that Jack’s not going to be around long though. It’s just too premature to make him Jacob before the finale.

  • Tess says:

    I think that Desmond’s basically going to blow the entire concert and everyone there up. And somehow, when everyones “dies”, they get transferred over to The Island.

  • Peter says:

    Anne could be onto something. This ep was incredible. I have to say that Jack has really grown on me. Also, I dont think richard is dead. But two episodes later I’m thinking lapenis is =(

  • Peter says:

    also. The concert is charlies or daniels. Right? RIGHT?

  • Amy Ess says:

    The concert is for Driveshafts AND Jack’s son. Des has been a very busy anti-magnetic hero lately. Running people down, beating people up, getting Hugo to cough up 125k for ana lucia–which makes no sense, she was NOT a crooked cop, she was a cop who gave a guy a break and he shot and killed her unborn baby and made it so she could have no more kids. She was a lot like Sayid, imho.

    Anyway, this is going to be a whizbang ending!! And, I think every single one of them is going to do something important.

  • Petey says:

    [Running people down, beating people up, getting Hugo to cough up 125k for ana lucia–which makes no sense, she was NOT a crooked cop,]

    It does make a little sense, I mean… the biggest thing with the alternate universe is that everyone there is kinda the opposite side of the same coin.. Hurley’s still just as lovable, but he’s really damn lucky, rather than really damn unlucky. Kate’s the same, but is innocent of murder, (or claims to be.) Jin and Sun aren’t married, but their relationship is signifigantly better than it was when the show started. Sawyer has the same personality but has chosen to be a cop rather than a criminal. Sayid’s super-repentant rather than willing to torture somebody for medecine…. and the list goes on. Basically it can make sense for Ana Lucia to be a corrupt cop rather than an honest cop.

    Here’s where I’m getting confused: We know that Ben and his father still went to the island. But they left rather than stayed. This suggests that everything -before- the explosion caused by our heroes stayed the same. BUT according to Danielle, Alex’s father died when she was two.. which would suggest that Danielle and her crew were never drawn to the island… unless this is a lie, which I suppose it may be, I mean, you don’t tell the guy you’re flirting with that you shot your husband while you were pregnant, right? I lose interest in girls that tell me that.

  • Rosie says:

    Were Carlton and Cuse trying to tell us that Ana-Lucia was never on the Oceanic Flight 815 in the Sideways timeline? Or that she was returning to L.A. to face the consequences of killing that guy who had shot her?

    If so, they had changed her character for nothing. Just so they could pander to the fanboys who disliked Ana. Morons!

  • Petey says:

    I think that the other people on the plane were candidates too, and probably just as flawed as the others.. I mean, Jack and Kate and Hurley and the rest of the gang aren’t the only ones with names on the cave wall.

    The other people just got their name crossed off because they either got killed by flaming arrows, a polar bear, smokey, others, magnetic-pulse explosions, guns, grenades, mortars, etc.

    I also don’t think the Kate having her name scratched out was as lame as everyone is saying. Her name wasn’t crossed out because she was a mother, her name was crossed out because she was HAPPY as a mother.

  • Keeks says:

    I should have commented a long time ago, but am so busy at work. It’s totally cutting into all my personal LOST Web-surfing time! Blergh!

    @Stowaway, I loved that scene and Ben’s look, too! The best!

    I agree with almost all other comments, hating that Richard and Widmore died already, especially. But must state my Ana-Lucia love, it’s the only place where I deviate.

    I have to say about Kate and the mom thing: I totally understand the cringes about this, BUT think about Jacob’s mom for just one second. He wants to protect anyone with a child from taking that job because it’s going to make her totally nutso and affect her kids for millenia. MIB pretty much admitted the same, that his mom made him who he is today.

    OK, I’m off to the theatrical video-cast thingie tonight — hope there is a post about it, so we can all come together and comment?

  • Hawknest says:

    I think the concert is a performance by Daniel Faraday. He is a pianist in this timeline. His mother, Eloise, will be there, and his father, Widmore, both key to the whole unifying the timelines thing.

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