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Lost Finale Party Ideas

May 11th, 2010 § 28

Having a Lost party for the big finale? Here are some ideas I’ve come up with or found online while planning my own party. I thought I would share in case anyone else is stuck…

  • fake Oceanic boarding pass for everyone (these are really easy to Photoshop with your guests’ names)
  • Rice Krispie treat 4-toed statue
  • a cake shaped like the hatch computer or Black Rock or the hatch itself
  • hanging a glow in the dark hatch map on the bathroom door
  • having a disembodied hand that says “NOT PENNY’S BOAT” stuck to a sliding glass window
  • giving out airplane-sized bottles of liquor and/or peanuts
  • giving everyone lottery tickets with the numbers
  • having the brainwashing video from Room 23 queued up on a computer
  • playing only music that’s been on Lost or the OST itself
  • any kind of polar bears – stuffed toys, plastic figurines, in cake or cupcake form, etc.
  • get some KFC and cover the bucket with a Mr. Cluck’s label
  • Dharma labels on EVERYTHING
  • including a big Dharma logo on the front door (cover door with brown butcher paper, then paint Dharma logo – it will look like the hatch!)
  • lots of Hawaiian food like pork, pineapple, mangoes, etc. (I HIGHLY recommend this recipe for Kalua Pig Nachos: Cisco’s Nachos Grande – this is SO GOOD and that pineapple salsa is redonkulous)
  • Dharma food like ranch dressing, cereal, chili, etc.
  • Apollo Bars
  • Mai Tais, Pina Coladas, etc etc.
  • scattering luggage/clothing around
  • recreating the face of a Dharma van that people can stand behind and take pictures
  • draping a silver tablecloth over some cylindrical and cutting out holes for windows to make part of the fuselage
  • having tiki torches/fire pit
  • making Fish Biscuits
  • making Lost cupcakes
  • make a Namaste New Recruits banner
  • have everyone wear costumes of their favorite characters
  • writing your guests names on a list, hang it on a wall and cross their names off as they arrive
  • trivia contest

The possibilities are INFINITE! I’m sure you all have more ideas for your own parties – feel free to share!

I’m sure I’ll be posting photos of my party, and I hope you guys will show me pictures of your parties :D

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§ 28 Responses to “Lost Finale Party Ideas”

  • […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Rebecca and Rebecca Johnson, Rachel Ack. Rachel Ack said: Tons of #Lost Finale party ideas! […]

  • Rachel says:

    Make cookies in the shape of fish and say they are Sawyer’s fish biscuits.

  • JR says:

    Aww, poo, I was beaten to the fish biscuits. But still, here’s an actual recipe plus a template for them from a blog called Kung Foodie:

    I’ve made them before and I certainly plan on making them again for the finale!

  • Lauren M says:

    I’m going to try and make fish biscuits for mine too, thanks for the recipie JR! I might even make some of my Lost sugar cookies, I’ll post some pictures if they turn out ok. I am going to take some of these ideas but seeing how it’s just going to be me, myself, and I, I’m not planning on going overboard. I’m already planning on a feast of alcohol and fast food, with respective DHARMA labels of course.

  • Martin says:

    I’m doin’ it up for the LOST Series Finale too! Oceanic Airlines tickets, Ajira Air tickets, DHARMA banner, labels on Maitais, water, etc, Mr. Cluck’s Chicken Shack buckets!

  • Emilie says:

    Unfortunately, all my friends think I’m a nerd for watching Lost. I will… probably do all of this anyway.

  • Lauren M says:

    @ Emilie, my friends are the same way. My family even thinks I’m a huge nerd, only two of my cousins watch it and when we get together we rev up a nerd storm

  • Megan says:

    We’re probably going to play Pin The Beard on Jack.

  • snoop says:

    I’ll probably end up just writing Dharma on a few beers with a sharpie :/

  • Signature One-Punch Knockout says:

    LOL @Megan.

    I don’t have a party planned, but I do plan on decorating the neighborhood with these.

    I’m totally checking to see whether any of the bars in the neighborhood have some kind of big Lost finale night planned now. And I will show up wearing at least 1 of the 2 of the Lost t-shirts that I own. NERD LYFE 4 EVA.

  • Ack says:

    Thanks for the extra ideas guys I added to them to the list up above! I can’t believe I forgot to add fish biscuits to the list, that was the first thing on my own list LOL.

  • Peter says:

    I have the most important exams of my life the week after so there will be no big parties :( But I will be going to my friends house for a gathering to watch the end with some pizzas or something.

    But what I might do is wear the dharma overalls I made for halloween last year. It’s another idea for the list :P

    -Supply overalls with the dharma logos/names to your guests!

  • Peter says:

    Sorry for the double post but another idea would be to have half the guests in dharma jumpsuits while the other half wear loose ragged clothing and neckerchiefs!

  • Hana says:

    How about a baked ham? Receipe provided by Ben.

  • Hana says:

    Hugo Pancakes?

  • ImKukie says:

    For those of you who wish to partake in a drinking game w/ your Dharma beer might I suggest…

  • tuttle88 says:

    Anyone having a lost party in the Bay Area and want to invite a complete stranger? I swear I’m not crazy and I’ll bring booze. Hit me up on my website. I’m new to the area & haven’t found any lost friends yet.

  • TheGhostOfFrankLaPidus'Beard says:

    How about:
    -a backgammon tournament leading up to show time.
    -creating your own Smokey. Spray paint some pillow batting black. Or you could try using that fake cobweb stuff.
    -writing your guests names on a list, hang it on a wall and cross their names off as they arrive.
    -a dark vs light theme.

  • Ack says:

    writing your guests names on a list, hang it on a wall and cross their names off as they arrive.

    I LOVE this idea! Especially if you can hang the list on a slanted ceiling haha! I’m totally gonna do it.

  • Zen says:

    Ooh – I wish I could have/attend a Lost party, but I’m currently in China and have found hardly anybody who watches Lost (and those who have watched it all have lame excuses like “I stopped after the first season” or “I haven’t stayed up to date while I’ve been in China”) x.x

    Love you party ideas – post photos and/or recap your party!

    A few more ideas:

    – Hot Pockets (could even be made into a target-practice game – see who can get the closest to Ben)
    – hand-drawn maps with French song lyrics on them
    – a game where guests come up with Sideways versions of other guests
    – a button that you have to press every 108 minutes or else . . . .
    – fireworks (to represent everything that goes BOOM on the show)
    – have people make their own “Greatest Hits” lists
    – have a giant donkey wheel
    – have Whispers (in surround sound if you can) right before something is about to happen
    – give everyone in the party a nickname (Sawyer style) and use the nicknames for the duration of the party (can be put on name tags to make them easier to remember)
    – take a leaf out of the Dharma Initiative and do a secret social experiment on your guests (keep it light-hearted – you can tell them the result afterward).
    – if any of your friends have pet rabbits, invite the rabbits to the party (although if you put numbers on the rabbits, make sure that it is something animal safe, like beet juice)
    – pretend to kill any guests that come in a red shirt
    – see how many Lost quotes you can slip into casual conversations
    – different rooms could have different themes: different parts of the Island, different time periods, etc.
    – When you’re guests leave, tell each of them “See ya in anotha life brothah/sistah”

  • […] when they filmed several people in what turned out to be Locke’s casket. Also, Ack has some great ideas for a Lost finale party, lots of which I’ve used before and more of which I’ll be using this time around. […]

  • Peter says:

    Build a miniature raft and put it on your front lawn

  • KJ says:

    I went to Martin’s premiere party in February and it was AWESOME!!! (see post above, and click the link for photos, plus files you can use for Mr. Cluck bucket labels, airline tickets, much more)

  • wannacruize says:

    Here’s another party idea I got from reading your recap of The Candidate:

    “Don’t tell me what I can’t fondue”

  • Robert Lee says:

    2 Quick ideas:

    For the more highbrow parties you could serve Moriah Vineyards wine and MacCutcheon Whisky.

    You could set up flash bulbs that would flare every 108 minutes!

    Enjoy the finale!

    -Rob Lee

    P.S. Love your site! Check mine out if you get the chance?
    Lost theories, ideas, cartoons, etc at…

  • Ceri says:

    OMG these are awesome! Dam ABC for having it on a school (I mean work) night! (I do not know how to do that crossed out thing) I wanted to throw a party SO bad, but everyone has to get up and work the next day, and I live out in the boondocks…. UGGG if they were going to change the day it was on why not Friday or Saturday??? Then we could also have Sunday for morning…. @#)(*%#@

  • Robert Lee says:

    I have Moriah Vineyard Labels, Dharma Beer Labels, and Apollo Bar Labels here!!!

    The beer labels are a pdf perfectly sized for bottles or cans…

    Have a safe and responsible Lost Finale Party. I know I will while I drown my finality in a Dharma beer.


  • This is amazing! The perfect way to celebrate the end of LOST!!

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