After the jump: Mini-recap, questions, theories, and predictions!
This week on Lost, we found out that in the Sideways World, Hurley not only owns Mr. Cluck’s Chicken, but he’s this awesome philanthropist! Only problem? He can’t get a date! So his mom sets him up on a blind date, but she doesn’t show. Instead, Crazy Libby shows up at Hurley’s table and tells him that she knows him from another life, brothah! This upsets Hugo when he realizes that Libby was only on a Fajita Field Trip from the nuthouse. But then he bumps into Desmond whilst eating chicken, and Desmond tells him to go for it because apparently now Desmond is the new Sideways World Cupid! So Hurley goes to the institution and asks Libby on a date. They go to the beach, and when they get to first base, all of the sudden Hurley has his own flash of Island Libby and they both decide she’s not crazy after all! Then we see Desmond waiting outside Locke and Ben’s school, thinking he’s about to shoot an arrow into Locke’s butt, but instead he runs him over with his car!!!!!!! WHAT.
On the island, everyone was fighting about whether or not they should blow up the plane, then Ilana blew herself up, then Hurley blew up the Black Rock because Michael told him to!!! This show is DY-NO-MITE!!!!! Then Desmond was hanging out with Mocke in the jungle and they happened upon one of those weird Jungle Boys, and Desmond saw him but Mocke got pissed and told him to ignore the kid! Then Hurley figured out that the jungle whispers are actually the voices of all the people who have died on the island and couldn’t move on, like Michael! He’s stuck there because of what he did! Then Mocke brought Desmond a well, and he threw Desmond down it!!!!! Then Hurley, Sun, Jack, and Lapidus all met up with Team Smokey and creepy looks were had by all.
Guys. This episode has broken my brain. Totally. Broke. My. Brain.
1. Who was the boy in the jungle? According to imdb that was the same boy we saw earlier in the season, but I thought he looked different!
In “The Substitute”
In tonight’s episode
His hair is a different color. If the blond is Jacob as a kid, maybe Smokey is actually his twin brother with darker hair? Cain and Abel, anyone?
2. And how come Desmond could see the kid? It seems like half the time other people can see him, but the other half of the time…no.
3. WHY DID DESMOND RUN LOCKE OVER????? Was it to give Locke a near-death experience, which would give him a wave of memories from the island? Or was he trying to kill him because of Locke’s connection to Smokey?
4. And how come Desmond was so calm around Mocke on the island? I HOPE HE’S OKAY DOWN THAT WELL. Maybe Christian’s still down there hanging out haha. I think island Desmond has seen the future again, and so now he’s just going with the flow.
5. How come some people can’t move on from the island once they die? Is it because of a sin they committed? Not everyone who died was innocent – where are they?
6. Is it possible that Libby’s craziness in the original timeline was caused because she had flashes of the alt-timeline? Maybe?
7. Why is Smokey so threatened by Desmond?
– I CANNOT BELIEVE ILANA PULLED AN ARZT. That was so ridiculously funny, I cannot believe that was her demise. So much for hearing her story LOL!!!!
– Hurley and Libby are adorable together. “You like me because you’re delusional” haha aw Hurley.
– I almost hyperventilated when Desmond ran Locke over. For real.
– I think I was more sad about the Black Rock blowing up than Ilana blowing up LOL.
– A person as rich as Sideways Hurley not being able to get a date is more unbelievable than a Smoke Monster.
– I like that Smokey gave up his knife to Hurley at the end when his ENTIRE BODY IS A WEAPON.
– Pigs must be flying because I actually liked Jack tonight! I like it when he doesn’t know what to do! And I like what he said about Juliet’s death. I really want him and Juliet to end up together in the alt-world.
– It’s nice that Michael apologized, but that’s too little too late haha. I’m surprised he didn’t ask about WAAAAAAALT!!!!1!
– Interesting what Ben said about the island being done with people. Hm…
That preview for next week is CAH-RAZY. Using the song from Willy Wonka only furthers my theory that Jacob = Willy Wonka and all of this has been a test to find his next replacement. WHAT IF SMOKEY IS JUST SLUGWORTH AND THEY’VE BEEN IN CAHOOTS ALL THIS TIME??? omg.
altho I like the phoenix Jacob theory, that would mean that all the energy expended on the substitute thing was a waste. the cave, the lighthouse, the numbers attached to everyone….
as Jacob said- it only ends once. the last ep is called The End. I think that the castaways will prove to MIB that they, and therefore humanity, is inherently good by making sacrifices for each other. Dying for each other, giving up their better sideways lives..etc. He will be defeated, the island will sink into the ocean, and the castaways- all alive and dead, will be able to live happily ever after in the sideways alt timeline. The End.
Sideways Locke turned down Jack’s offer to heal his spine, so Desmond had no choice but to send Locke into see Jack by force. Sideways Locke will walk again. I’m more worried about the fate of Sideways Desmond, since Ben knows that he is the one who ran over Locke. Desmond needs to reach out to Ben before Ben makes a move, or he’s in trouble because I’m betting that Sideways Ben is as vindictive as Island Ben.
I think that Desmond can see both timelines more and more clearly. I think it was as obvious to Desmond as it was to the audience that Mocke would push him down the well, but he felt no need to be afraid because he knew he’d survive. He’s got it all figured out – he just doesn’t want to let on yet how much he knows. Mocke should have known that he couldn’t kill Desmond.
The way that Ilana was throwing around that dynamite, how could she not blow up? Maybe the Island decided to be done with her because she being so cocky about not dying. But I agree with the sentiment other people have said – she was starting to grow on me, but I still laughed a little.
It’s interesting how the leaders and the followers are switching places from the beginning of the series. Hurley is a leader. Jack and Ben are followers. Kate once laughed at Sawyer for saying he could run the Island as well as Jack – now he has proven that he is a far better leader than Jack.
I agree that both Libbys get flashes of the other timeline. She approached Hurley in both timelines because she knew from the other timeline that they would be happy together. I just think that she kept it to herself during the Island timeline.
“I like that Smokey gave up his knife to Hurley at the end when his ENTIRE BODY IS A WEAPON.” – LOL
Also, it is going to be funny when Claire tells Jack that she’s been hanging out with their dad for three years – he’s going to flip out
(adds “fajita field trip” to personal conversational lexicon)
@Liz, I worked in mental health years ago and it has also bugged me how unrealistically (and stereotypically) Lost portrays the psych hospital, especially the patients always dressed in pajamas and bathrobes lol. This show pays so much attention to detail with the story but is so ludicrous with other things. Like in Richard’s flashback, did anybody else roll their eyes when it took him about 5 seconds to dig up his wife’s cross that he’d buried 100 years before?
“creepy looks were had by all” lol!!!
and also I don’t think I have said this but I love your mini-recaps AND your recaps…
your mini-recaps really help me out remembering stuff so I can talk about it with all the Losties at work, lol!!
you are totally awesome and I look forward to your posts every Wednesday and Sunday :oD
I read doc jensen, the neverseenlost guy and whatever other stuff I can find, but you are totally my favorite :o)
Ilana will be known as Wile E. Coyote from now on. I wonder if Hit-and-Run Hume is so savvy and so “one with the force” that he can see the pieces and put them together, like knowing that running Locke over will put him in Jack’s path. I guess we’ll have to wait and see, unless it was revenge for pushing him down a well. I think Baby Jessica will agree that being in a well is a pretty shitty place to be. I wonder if Des will stumble on some exotic matter while in the well?
Did you notice that Hugo was evidently a major benefactor to George Costanza’s fictional charity, The Human Fund? That was the charity that George fabricated in order to get out of buying his co-workers xmas gifts! lol.
I know I’m in the minority here, but I didn’t love this episode. Ilana has been training for this her whole life, and so she throws liters of water on top of dynamite? Not very bright, is she? She never would have been able to protect the candidates anyway.
And as much as I love Desmond, I wasn’t loving him last night. He acted so dumb around Mocke. He tells him why Widmore brought him to the island, and then he allows himself to be pushed down a well? Yeah, maybe he knew what was going to happen, but still.
I also didn’t love that he ran over a handicap John Locke. Yeah, I get the point. It was so that he could end up in Jack’s hospital, but sheesh. The guy was in a wheelchair.
I thought the Libby/Hurley bits were very sweet, but they made me wish all over again that Cynthia Watros didn’t want to leave the show. She and Hurley could have been great together.
That episode put me in a cranky mood.
@Princess: what? i think it totally makes sense that Richard would have been able to dig up that necklace in like five seconds. it’s not like he buried it hundreds of years ago or anything…^_^
Ok, so talking about the whispers/Michael not being able to “move on”…where does that put Christian Shepard? Was he being used by Smokey (since Jack never found his body?) or was he unable to move on for whatever reason (he was a shitty dad, making all the viewers hate him for giving Jack a reason to jear every damn episode)?
@Wintergirl You might be a minority, but you are certainly not alone. I agree with everything you said, even Hurley annoyed me in this ep trying to lead and listening to Michael, and I don’t believe this, but Jack was the only one that was remotely likable in this ep.
As for the weird kid in the jungle. I had this crazy theory a while ago that we don’t know MIB’s real name because it’s… Jacob. Or rather, the darker side to the same demigodly person. First I thought that the blond kid was him before he was split in two, but as this second kid was darker haired, maybe he was (or rather they both were) post-split already, one light and one dark. They keep the world at balance.
I love your notion about Libby being aware of both timelines — it would also explain her giving her yacht to a complete stranger, a detail that has bugged the crap out of me.
Finally got caught up with this episode,
HOLY COW, I can’t even think right now.
I seriously love Hurley and Libby, I was squeeling like a little fan girl during their scenes, so freakin adorable!
I noticed the difference in kids too, are we sure that’s the same kid?
I can’t believe MIB shoved Desmond down the well, and Desmond running over Locke, WHAT THE WHA?! I love that Dr. Linus went over to check on him, Dr. Linus does not approve of creepy creepers. He’s the bomb!
I love the Ben and Richard friendship coming back into play. I love how Miles apologized to Hurley when he went with Richard’s group. BFF’s all around!
I’m glad to see that I wasn’t the only one who found Jack enjoyable in this episode. He’s been pretty cool the last few eps in my opinion. I’m still rooting for Sawyer/Juliet though.
Great episode and appropriate name! Everybody does love Hugo! Fantastically creepy promo for next week. Any promo that uses a song from Willy Wonka is a-okay with me. I’m so angry that they’re taking a break after next week’s episode, I’m finally going to be able to watch them live and I get a break after this one. Oh well, I’m off to browse theories and see if anyone else can make sense of this.
Some Observations/predictions:
It would appear that the characters of the flash-sideway timeline are becoming aware of the other timeline, and that the climax will be them, being fully aware of their experience on the island, doing something to ameliorate the situation original timeline.
Flash-Sideways Eloise (and possibly Charles Widmore) were aware of this trend, Desmond’s role in furthering it, and were trying to delay or stop it.
“Someone is coming to the island”, Jacob told Hurley. Likely, this is someone from the alternate timeline. Possibly Jacob himself, or a replacement Jacob.
The MiB needs help from each and every candidate to leave the island. He may attempt some trickery and/or devil’s bargain towards them which will likely fail (or at least not totally succeed). He’ll then resort to threats and force.
Jack is the main protagonist of this show. He’s going to do some ultimate act that will “destroy the ring” so to speak. It’s likely this will be at a great personal sacrifice to himself, but since “saving people” is his thing.
They got to do something with Aaron and Walt!
i think those people like michael can’t move on because of the judgement stuff- like back in season 5 when ben still believed that smokey was only there for judging? well i still believe that.
i think the pact he and jacob made was that smokey could only kill people on the island if they had gone bad/were corrupted by evil, which is what made him judge people. he couldnt kill jacob (obviously) nor could he kill ben, richard, or any of jacob’s candidates.
ummm ack? jacket is soo…. *eeeeew*. just sayin :P and its okay ive been liking jack a lot lately…
and now that richard has said “i know what the island is” i am SUPERRRR POSITIVEEE THAT IT WILL BE ANSWERED BEFORE THE SERIES FINALE!! :D
oh and desmond + well= me dying.
The transition sound between universes is getting louder and more obvious, isn’t it? What does it mean!?!?
Gah!!! I hate waiting a whole other week for the next episode!
@wintergirl: I ABSOLUTELY AGREE WITH YOU!!! i´ve actually spent the whole day in a horribly cranky, cranky mood! sometimes i feel the shocks were just that: shocks. there was no substance to them: yeah, yeah, people will say “oh, but flocke throwing des doen the well sure means something!” and “ilana´s explosion was kind of a mirror to arzt´s explosion!” and “but surely des ran over locke so he could have his mind-trip/jack would cure him and make him walk again, and it surely will have an impact on the endgame!”. and i´ll say: you´re probably right. BUT, from a narrative standpoint, it made no sense at all. and, why spend so much time with Ilana since season 5 to have her killed like this? really? i honestly expected, mili-seconds after the eplosion, that she would return: i mean, if she was so important for jacob, if jacob wanted her to protect the candidates so much, why not make her invincible? or at least extrapowerful? or give her healing abilities? with ilana´s death, i finally understood what Radiohead meant in their song “Cuttooth” when they sing: “i´ll build you up to pull you down” I mean, Ilana wasn´t such an interesting character to begin with; but then, as time passed by, you sort of started to sense a greater importance to her role in the story. then we saw she was actually one of Jacob´s soldiers: great, i thought, so she´s really important. and then she appeared again in ab aeterno, and i felt like, being so close to Jacob, and now being next to Richard, there´d be some sort of nice chemistry between them which could expand the jacob mythology: you know, here and there they could share experiences about Jacob, whatever. but. no. that death was horrible. it wasn´t even funny. it was stupid. at least arzt´s had some sort of tragicomic relief. i mean, if for one or other reason they needed to get rid of the character, why not have her sacrifice herself for one of the candidates? she could´ve exploded anyways, but at least made her death important!
and des running locke… it was just… jesus. i don´t know.
see? i got angry again. ARGH!!!
Another thing: Any bets that next episode will be centered around Charles and/or Eloise Widmore? That Widmore is “The Last Recruit” so to speak>
I hope the last scene of the finale won’t mirror the ending of the Lost video game – timeloop…
“I think I was more sad about the Black Rock blowing up than Ilana blowing up…”
Me too, me too!
Just finished the ep! Haven’t read the other comments yet but:
1. I bet you they just shaved the new kid’s eyebrows. Kids can’t grow that fast. Right?
4. As soon as I saw that well, I just knew Desmond was getting pushed down there. Just. Knew.
5. HELL. YES. MICHAEL. Man I am so glad to see him sorta semi-alive. He’s not my favorite character, but I definitely don’t think he deserved to go out the way he did on that freighter.
Man it’s just like Lost to have Hurley’s episode be the most intense so far. Hurley’s my fave.
“I like that Smokey gave up his knife to Hurley at the end when his ENTIRE BODY IS A WEAPON.” LOL
And yes! LOL I figured you would like Jack for once in this episode. He’s not my favorite character, but I actually don’t mind Jack and I do think that if Jack ends up with anyone it should totally be Juliet. I can’t wait, I hope they do that. They had great chemistry together (more than with Sawyer, although the death scene was touching. If Kate *must* end up with someone, it should be Sawyer).
And lol teacher benry’s worried everyone’s a perv in sideways world. Cute.
Desmond is like Sideways Abbadon now. He gets people where they need to go. Except instead of driving Locke around, he runs Locke over.
Desmond is like Amelie. Only deadlier.
I’m going to try not to make this too long, but, whoa. Thanks so much for your recaps, I don’t know if I say it often enough, but FLOVE.
So, echoing someone above, YES, PLEASE! Ricardo’s wife’s ghost tells Hurley to stop MIB at whatever cost, but now Hugo’s listening to Michael, who brutally shot his gf? WTF? NO! Something is off!
And that whole “are you stuck here because” convo was so expositiony! I don’t know if I’m buying any of it! Think: Didn’t Michael already have his redemption when he blew up the freighter? Christian was there (or was that MIB, OMG) and told him to do it, that it would make everything OK again? Again, something stinks here, people!
Oh dear, I’m rambling already. But why didn’t Jacob really appear to Hurley again, like he did that whole time that they hiked to the lighthouse? I want to know the answer to Richard’s secret question!
And sorry, I don’t hate Jack as much as you, but I still didn’t feel Jack’s sincerity coming through on that “giving up control” speech. It’s still a totally selfish act, because he feels guilty about Juliet and he doesn’t want to get blamed anymore. It’s not because he really wants others to lead, he is just trying to get some kind of reward, like people who go to church and then go home and party all week long.
Finally: Desmond and the car. I hear everyone’s explanations and am trying to compute, but did you see the look on Desi’s face? He wasn’t trying to help the brotha out. That was some serious revenge on that handsome face of his. I think he wanted to kill, he rammed him as hard as possible. Something is happening and it’s all just very confusing (which of course, is just how I like it on this show, but I feel more unsettled and weird than usual).
One more thing: Does anyone else think that that chair they strapped Desmond to looks just like Jacob’s chair in that little cabin? I know that was a week ago, OMG.
I think the 2 boys in the woods are the same boy (prob. Jacob), the one from last night was just him at an older age – kids hair does get darker with puberty. And we all know time is all screwy on the island.
Am I the only one who doesn’t like Hurley and Libby as a couple??? Never have. From the beginning I thought it was unrealistic as she looks to be about 10 years older than him. And the whole time she was on during this episode I kept wondering how she made her eyes so crooked to achieve that loony-tunes effect.
And yes, Ack I had the same thought that any guy with the fame and fortune of alt. world Hurley would have no trouble getting chicks, no matter how big and fluffy they are…
I think the answer the Richard’s secret question had to do with his conversation with Jacob when he first met him, about the Island being a cork to keep the evil at bay.
@kid entropia & wintergirl: I’m glad I’m not the only one who had trouble with the storytelling in this episode. I like having fun with it all and debating theories, and maybe it’s because I’m a writer, but sometimes the sense of narrative pacing drives me insane. Honestly, it bugged me so much I stopped watching halfway through season three and binged to get caught up before the final season.
They introduce a character like Ilana, give her a mysterious backstory, show us that she has some of the freaking answers we’ve been waiting for for six years, build up her importance, and then toss her aside like a nameless Tailie, serving no narrative purpose whatsoever. What did her death teach us? That old dynamite’s unstable and blows up? Um, no, we knew that. That death is capricious on the Island? Sorry, we knew that, too. That people get sacrificed for a noble cause? I’d hardly call dropping a bad of explosives in a display of petulance a “noble cause.” No, frankly it felt more like “Uh, you know, there’s no good reason why Ilana wouldn’t just spill her guts to the candidates right now, and we’ve got suspense to build. Whaddya say we kill her off randomly? Jacob works in mysterious ways and all that.”
An unfortunate side-effect of that narrative nonchalance is that it lessens the emotional impact of future revelations. If something happens — Hugo* dying heroically, for example — and it’s clear that there has been a steady narrative drive toward that moment, making it more or less inevitable, then it hits us in the gut and the writers succeed at their jobs. But if he suddenly just says “Later, dudes!” and shoots himself in the head we’ll be shocked, but also feel cheated. Sadly, Ilana’s death reduced my confidence that stories will be wrapped up in an emotionally satisfying way.
(*I picked Hugo because he’s the character I like most, and because he said something in a People interview today that implies he might die before the end.)
Crap, I can certainly ramble on, can’t I? Sheesh…
@TheAbstractor I’ve been dying for as Widmore episode all season! Well, since the Richard episode at least. I had to get the Richard episode before I could think about anything else.
But seriously? How the hell did Charles & Ellie end up on the Island way back in the 50’s? How did they come to power? WHO IS PENNY’S MOTHER???
Oh, and in regards to all the “Locke is going to the hospital to see Jack” It kinda seems like EVERYONE is gonna end up at the Hospital. Seriously, all of the major players are there or on their way. Sayid’s brother, Charlie, Sun got shot, Jack pretty much lives there, Claire’s preggo & Kate’s basically her BFF and Saywer is with Kate last we saw him…it seems like there’s gonna be a pivotal point in the series where everyone ends up in the same place in both timelines. The Hospital in LA, and maybe a well or Hydra Island on the Island?
…weirdest thing about this theory? It came from my PARENTS. Who just started watching Lost when this season started. *facepalm*
I dont think the alt timeline is where they the Losties will live happily ever after. The alt timeline MUST end. Sacrifices must be made by our Losties both on the Island and in the alt world for the timeline to course correct. Charlie said “none of this matters” and Desmond is on a mission from God to make the alt-Losties ‘remember’. It all ends on the Island not in the alt.
For a Hurley episode, it was pretty heavy and dark. But there were some hilarious bits.
– Ilana blew herself up in complete cartoon fashion.
– Hurley running away from the Black Rock, “Run! Run! GO-GO-GO!!”. Again completely cartoonish, particularly the way they filmed Jorge Garcia’s escape.
– Sawyer’s line : “You talk to wood now?”.
– Hurley’s mom :”some inappropriate comment”
Hurley : “That’s disgusting”.
It seems Hurley’s parents have no idea what they shouldn’t talk about with their kid.
Ack, I think the kid is the same one we saw in “The Substitute”. The hair discrepancy is due to lighting effects. One is filmed in the shade, the other in bright sunlight. The easiest explanations are sometimes the best. The evil smirk on the kid’s face was more intriguing.
Richard, Ben and Miles have started their quest for explosives, or are they looking for red shirts to wear?
Sayid is looking more and more like a Terminator. His expressionless face is uncanny.
Finally, was anybody else distracted by the bikini extras during the Libby-&-Hurley-at-the-beach scene? I know I was.. :D
i really expected ilana to show up to Hurley standing and looking at where she died and say “well, shit””
and yeah, why wasn’t she invincible?
Ilana’s death wasn’t pointless. Theres a reason to everything and I’ll bet she served a purpose we don’t even realize yet. She was a character that seemed to have everything in order and a plan. But shes human and humans make mistakes. People err, and people die. A random death just shows the realism of the story.
I liked The Episode. Though the whisper reveal “dude, I think I know what they are…dead people” lame to me. Now if they told me why and how the island keeps some souls and let’s other go, that answer would have been nice.
Desmond tracking down all the 815’er and either putting them together (Hurley with Libbey), Rnning them over (Locke and where Locke goes Jack can’t be far behind) is starting to get interesting.
IF he can get all the 815’er to realize the Sideways world as Charlie said doesn’t matter that may set up a collison between timelines and realities as the people in the Alt world begin to remember their on-Island experiences and lives.
Desmond already seems to have a conciousness in both world and we already know he knows how to travel between litteral time zones :–).
However, as someone above commented, New Electro Magnitied Island Desmond certainly seems Juiced and special but I can’t figure out what his plan or angle is.
Does he really not know Locke is no longer Locke? Why is he being so completely honest with Locke? Yet on the other hand I do think he has a plan and knows something Smokey and the rest of us do not know.
Certainly Sayid or someone is going to rescue him from the well and he is Now a Major Player in whatever the battle that is coming is.
I think the others in the Alt world will also have choices to make in which timeline and reality become the final reality. Do they want the Sideways world that then know is not real or do they want to fight smoke in a war they may not be able to win?
Does Desmond become the constant and lost cues up the Electro Magnetic release of Energy that only he can withstand which traps smokey on the island and allows our candidates to escape?
So many questions and possiblities.
Illana’s Death, for me, goes down as the Single most pointless, Dumb A$$, waste of charter development on lost ALL TIME.
I mean, she was never remotely one of my favorite characters. Heck I might go so far as to say I didn’t even really like her but I bought into she is the Candidate protectors and Jacob was like a father and we saw her all bandaged up in the hospital…
So yeah, wether we like her or not, we accept she is going to be a Major Minor characters to help the Candidates fulfill whatever there destiny or choices are going to be.
But No, BAM. The just blow her Up. It was Shocking for a second as were realize her purpose was not to be a protector but to be blown up in wee, itty, bitty, little flesh bits.
After I got over the shock factor that she had been Artzed I was left again with that unsatisfying Yuk. This was not particularly original as you already blew up Artz the same way.
They made me suffer through frustratingly sorta getting to know (while not really liking) this character and then blowing her up for really no particular reason.
I mean I did like getting the old bugged eyed manipulative Linus back talking about hate to see when the Island no longer has a use for us.
But really if all you were going to do is blow her up, why waste all the time showing us how Jacob picked her and she was going to protect…when all they were going to do is blow her up?
It made know sense, the Island didn’t need her in the first place is all she did is what we have seen.
But this is Lost. So you know, now we will get Ghost Illana and probably get more of her back story through the dead Illana thing.
Double Yuk. I didn’t like her Character when she was Alive Illana, now please don’t make me go through flash backs of Ghost Illana.
Ok, thank you for letting me rant and rave about my pet peeve this week.
Ok, One last thing.
Was Libby looking Particularly Hot tonight or perhaps I was just extra horny. But I do not remember her looking that physically appealing.
And I thought her acting was Superb. She and Hurley really seem to have great on screen chemistry. Lost really does know how to show the connection scenes between romantic characters.
Ack I am sorry to say this but Jack does not get Juliet. She belongs to another.
My Top 3 Favorite Lost Couples
#1) Desmond & Penny
#2) Sawyer & Juliet
#3) Hugo & Libby
I hate to leave Rose and Bernie off the list as they clearly are a couple you almost have to love. I think late in life they each found their unlikely soulmate and they do seem perfect for each other.
However, for the sizzle, passion and pain that survives timelines and realities my top three are hard to beat.
Can’t wait to see Sawyer and Juliet have that cup of coffee!
I realized later that Michael was basically saying, “This is totally purgatory, you guys!”
I HAVE A QUESTION ABOUT THE WHISPERS AND I’M DESPERATE FOR AN ANSWER… Hurley said whispers are the voices of dead people who have been “trapped” on the island. So Michael’s ghost is trapped, but how ccome Charlie’s and Eko’s ghosts for example were seen out of the island? Aren’t those trapped? Is there some sort of requirements for whether a ghost can wander in the world outside the island?
Lea_Lost wrote:
“As for the weird kid in the jungle. I had this crazy theory a while ago that we don’t know MIB’s real name because it’s… Jacob. Or rather, the darker side to the same demigodly person. First I thought that the blond kid was him before he was split in two, but as this second kid was darker haired, maybe he was (or rather they both were) post-split already, one light and one dark. They keep the world at balance.”
This makes sense to me, and it explains why MIB could not kill Jacob himself; it would be a form of ‘no-no’ suicide.
LostnLost says:
April 15, 2010 at 10:16 pm
All these side characters dying off, if only there would be some plot exposition about What They Died For. Hell, maybe they should even devote an entire episode to it.
(Hint: Once the show’s wrapped up, I don’t think Ilana’s life and death will seem as tragic. Along with alot of other characters.)
/eternally optimistic
@ Api: you could argue that both Charlie and Eko had sort of redeemed themselves, while Michael hadn´t. I mean, he blew up and all but in the end he got more people killed.
BUT, perhaps, it doesn´t matter whether the soul is trapped or not; maybe ghost apparition etiquette is different for Hurley.
I find it interesting that when young blondie shows up, he says Flocke cannot kill Sawyer. However, dark-haired shows up and Desmond gets pitched down the well. o.O
So when dark-haired youngster appears, does that give Flocke permission to kill? And could he kill (or attempt to kill) Desmond because he is NOT a candidate, unlike Sawyer?
Lea_Lost wrote:
“As for the weird kid in the jungle. I had this crazy theory a while ago that we don’t know MIB’s real name because it’s… Jacob. Or rather, the darker side to the same demigodly person. First I thought that the blond kid was him before he was split in two, but as this second kid was darker haired, maybe he was (or rather they both were) post-split already, one light and one dark. They keep the world at balance.”
This makes sense to me, and it explains why MIB could not kill Jacob himself; it would be a form of ‘no-no’ suicide.
Ilana’s death wasn’t pointless. Theres a reason to everything and I’ll bet she served a purpose we don’t even realize yet. She was a character that seemed to have everything in order and a plan. But shes human and humans make mistakes. People err, and people die. A random death just shows the realism of the story.
I realized later that Michael was basically saying, “This is totally purgatory, you guys!”
Illana’s Death, for me, goes down as the Single most pointless, Dumb A$$, waste of charter development on lost ALL TIME.
I mean, she was never remotely one of my favorite characters. Heck I might go so far as to say I didn’t even really like her but I bought into she is the Candidate protectors and Jacob was like a father and we saw her all bandaged up in the hospital…
So yeah, wether we like her or not, we accept she is going to be a Major Minor characters to help the Candidates fulfill whatever there destiny or choices are going to be.
But No, BAM. The just blow her Up. It was Shocking for a second as were realize her purpose was not to be a protector but to be blown up in wee, itty, bitty, little flesh bits.
After I got over the shock factor that she had been Artzed I was left again with that unsatisfying Yuk. This was not particularly original as you already blew up Artz the same way.
They made me suffer through frustratingly sorta getting to know (while not really liking) this character and then blowing her up for really no particular reason.
I mean I did like getting the old bugged eyed manipulative Linus back talking about hate to see when the Island no longer has a use for us.
But really if all you were going to do is blow her up, why waste all the time showing us how Jacob picked her and she was going to protect…when all they were going to do is blow her up?
It made know sense, the Island didn’t need her in the first place is all she did is what we have seen.
But this is Lost. So you know, now we will get Ghost Illana and probably get more of her back story through the dead Illana thing.
Double Yuk. I didn’t like her Character when she was Alive Illana, now please don’t make me go through flash backs of Ghost Illana.
Ok, thank you for letting me rant and rave about my pet peeve this week.
Ok, One last thing.
Was Libby looking Particularly Hot tonight or perhaps I was just extra horny. But I do not remember her looking that physically appealing.
And I thought her acting was Superb. She and Hurley really seem to have great on screen chemistry. Lost really does know how to show the connection scenes between romantic characters.
Ack I am sorry to say this but Jack does not get Juliet. She belongs to another.
My Top 3 Favorite Lost Couples
#1) Desmond & Penny
#2) Sawyer & Juliet
#3) Hugo & Libby
I hate to leave Rose and Bernie off the list as they clearly are a couple you almost have to love. I think late in life they each found their unlikely soulmate and they do seem perfect for each other.
However, for the sizzle, passion and pain that survives timelines and realities my top three are hard to beat.
Can’t wait to see Sawyer and Juliet have that cup of coffee!