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Well, I feel special now.

July 20th, 2009 § 1

I have been nominated for Best Humor Blog over at the Blogger’s Choice Awards!!! (Thanks to Diane!!)

My site was nominated for Best Humor Blog!


If you feel so inclined :D

Hell must be a frosty 32 degrees because I finally have a Twitter!

July 16th, 2009 § 4

I have no idea how or why to use this yet, but if you’d like to follow me go for it :D

Benry Knows Best Special: Good Night Moon

June 15th, 2009 § 22

Just by coincidence the wonderful artist who creates Benry Knows Best and I will be off traveling the world at the same time. She drew an exxxxxtra long comic to make up for the time we’ll be gone!

Click the button to see the comic!

Goodnight Moon

I have a huge backlog of comics to post when I return. The Daily Dose will also be Daily once again beginning Friday, June 26th.

I’m off to Oahu to kidnap the Smoke Monster and also Josh Holloway! If my plane doesn’t vanish over the Pacific I’ll catch you all on the flip side – I’m sure I’ll be sharing my adventures with you all :D

Daily Dose of Lost Suggestion Box!

June 9th, 2009 § 80

If you have a quote you’d like me to use in a future Daily Dose, please leave it here with the character names and the name of the movie/TV show/book/what have you.

If you leave a name and don’t comment anonymously I will be thanking you in that day’s post.

I can’t guarantee I’ll use them all, but I can sure as hell try :)

Comments will be deleted once I’ve used the quotes so it’s less confusing for me!

Part II of Finale Recap on its Way…

May 24th, 2009 § 26

I hope all my fellow Americans are having a beer-and-burger-filled awesome Memorial Day weekend!

And I hope the rest of you are having a great weekend too!

The second part of the Season 5 finale will be up tomorrow. Apologies for the delay.

Stay tuned!

You love me, you really love me!

May 9th, 2009 § 2

I now officially have my own Facebook fan page!!!

Become a fan!!!!

Keep updated with all the latest recaps, comics, and whatever other crazy stuff I can think of during the upcoming Lost hiatus.


March 11th, 2009 § 4

My site now has an FAQ area. All your burning questions answered!!

I’ll be adding to it whenever I see fit, but for now you can find out what “;lfk’;laskdf;’lasd;” means, what the hell JEARS are, why I’m called The Ack Attack and what PWN means, among other things.


January 18th, 2009 § 4

The site has a brand new shiny layout! And it’s working SUPER FAST thanks to my friend Hutch! THE ACK ARMY THANKS YOU, HUTCH!!!!

Lost in 3 days. Hold onto your butts.

Bad News and Good News

January 15th, 2009 § 7

Bad News: I may not be able to post a “Lost So Far” recap before Wednesday.  Real life has been impeding on my Lost CAPSLOCK time. ;_; I’m going to try and get something together this weekend, but I can’t make any promises.

Good News: I WILL be posting a recap of every single episode of this season!  Hopefully by the Monday following the episode!  Both here and at!

Bad News: I know the site is running SUPER SLOW.

Good News: I have a friend who is working on it, so hopefully it will be faster soonish.

BEST NEWS: Lost in 6 days, yo!!!! And Battlestar Galactica TOMORROW!!!!

Also: Do you have a blog, Lost or otherwise, you’d like me to add to my blogroll? Leave me a link! :)

A very quick update!

January 13th, 2009 § 8

The site’s up and running again, and new content is coming soon!

8 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!

Where Am I?

You are currently browsing the Admin category at The Ack Attack!.