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LOST TOP 10: Deaths

December 2nd, 2009 § 58

And now the first in a series of Top 10’s I’ll be doing in the weeks leading up to the premiere of Lost on February 2, 2010 (61 days!!!)

Top 10 Deaths on Lost

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Daily Dose of Lost – 9/28/09

September 28th, 2009 § 2

“I clicked on a pop-up and got caught in a pornado!”

– Hodgins, Bones

Daily Dose of Lost – 8/31/09

August 31st, 2009 § 3

“I’m so tired of hating everything.”

– Claire Fischer, Six Feet Under

Daily Dose of Lost – 8/14/09

August 14th, 2009 § 1

“I fuckin’ saw God, Jack. And I laughed in his fuckin’ face!”

– The Last Indian, Mr. Show

Daily Dose of Lost – 8/10/09

August 11th, 2009 § 4

“I’d die if I wasn’t already dead!”

– Jessica, True Blood

Daily Dose of Lost – 7/27/09

July 27th, 2009 § 5

“…this is why having a destiny sucks.”

– George Lass, Dead Like Me

Daily Dose of Lost – 7/08/09

July 8th, 2009 § 5

“Well, first what we have to do is find out what motivates people more than anything else.”


“That’s illegal. Can’t do that. Next best thing.”


– Michael Scott and Dwight Shrute, The Office

Daily Dose of Lost – 7/07/09

July 7th, 2009 § 8

“We are all links on the universal food chain. See, squirrel eats nuts, snake eats the squirrel, gator eats the snake… and we can eat pretty much everything we want. It’s the circle of life.”

“Jesus Christ. I wanna lick your mind!”

“Let’s have lunch first.”

– Jason Stackhouse and Amy Burley, True Blood

Daily Dose of Lost – 6/05/09

June 5th, 2009 § 6

“The box is there for a reason – to keep bald men like you inside it.”

– Saboo, The Mighty Boosh

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