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Daily Dose of Lost – 7/15/09

July 15th, 2009 § 11

“Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain.”

– Arthur Weasley, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

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§ 11 Responses to “Daily Dose of Lost – 7/15/09”

  • Kaci says:

    I’m going to miss the HP themed doses. These are the best! :)

  • Joan Crawford says:

    You saved the best for last!

  • Gandalf says:

    Can I be the bad guy here and say that I never liked Harry Potter (be it books or films) and never will. And all these posts about it make it worse. I love Lost, so when you start doing that again, I’ll be glad to visit again. Good day to you sir.

  • Potterhead says:

    Seriously Gandalf, take a pill and chillax.
    (and she’s a ma’am… not a sir.)

    keep ’em coming!

  • rachelack says:

    Haha I love that someone who goes by Gandalf isn’t into wizards. Seems awfully ironic, no?

    My HP theme is done now, I’ll be going back to other less interesting things tomorrow :P

  • Erica says:

    I loved the HP themed doses. Too bad I didn’t like the new movie that much.

  • YosoyLocaporDes says:

    Rachel – I love you, you’re brilliant, and I’m telling everyone I’m marrying you for your brilliance – I don’t care! :D

    Hey Gandalf…


    Good day to you, Sir. ;D :D

  • Jenn says:

    Are you serious? I almost made a manip of this with that quote last night. I’m scared now.

  • tara says:

    I will seriously miss these. :(

    HP is only my favorite thing in the entire world.

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