And now the triumphant return of the Daily Dose of Lost!
Basically every day I’ll be posting a quote from a movie/TV show/what have you that is cleverly paired with a screenshot of Lost. It’s to help us get through the Smoke Monster-sized hiatus and hopefully give you a giggle.
Shortly I’ll be posting a “Daily Dose Suggestion Box” where you can leave some quotes you’d like me to use!
Enjoy :D
“Are you trying to hurt my feelings? Because if so, you are succeeding. Fortunately my feelings regenerate at twice the speed of a normal man’s.”
“Ok, good then.”
– Dwight Schrute and Jim Halpert, The Office
Hi, I always wondered, would you be able to do a parody of ‘You talkin’ to me?’
Classic – The Office and LOST – my two favorite shows on the planet!
I have missed these so much. I didn’t even realize exactly how much until I saw one again. They really do take the sting out of long no-Lost hiatuses. Hiatsi? IDK, IDK.
Hooray! And on my birthday, too! Best. Gift. Ever.
Thanks for doing these Ack, and the AMAZING re-caps, too!
You are full of win.
OMG Yay! I’m excited for the return of Daily Dose of Lost, with an awesome Office-themed quote to start things off.
Lol! This made my night… You need to do one for Arrested Development! lol so many golden quotes from that show…
Lucille: How do you expect me to get anyone to go into that musty old clap-trap?
Michael: ::long pause:: OHHH, the CABIN…..