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Daily Dose of Lost – 12/09/08

December 9th, 2008 § 5

“I’m your big brother. I’ll never be impressed with you.”

– GOB Bluth to Michael, Arrested Development

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§ 5 Responses to “Daily Dose of Lost – 12/09/08”

  • Anonymous says:

    I love Charlie’s face there.

  • flaknitter01 says:

    “I’ll win the game, and I’ll show him that his little plan didn’t work, alright. We can build houses, we can win games.” – Michael Bluth

    I know “Daily Dose” was supposed to help tide us over during hiatus, but you are planning on continuing to spread the love throughout S5, right Rachel? Please say yes!!!!

  • Thatdamnninja says:


  • Janice says:

    Awww…Charlie *sniff*

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