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Benry Knows Best: Space Invader

April 25th, 2010 § 7

Click on the thumbnail to see the comic!

She Blinded Me with Science

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§ 7 Responses to “Benry Knows Best: Space Invader”

  • mellow says:

    OMG Bwahahaha. This is adorable and HILARIOUS!

    Love how alex is all ‘…’ and benry wants to get aunt juliet to help her. hahaha

  • Elynne says:

    Adorable, as always. I will miss the ‘BKB’s as much as I will miss the Ack Recaps and the show itself.

  • Starrie says:

    Poor flustered Benry. :P

  • Lauren M says:

    I was giggling so hard when I saw this. Great mix of adorablness and hillarity

  • Jo says:

    Haha, I love how he keeps bumping into the end of the panel… so cute!

  • maeve says:

    My brother went through almost the same thing when his daughter grew a pair. He had a hard time hugging her because then he had to hug “them” which was tantamount to sexual abuse. She read it as rejection. Some guys just make parenthood much harder than it has to be. Are you listening to me Benry? Yeah, you with the pointy little hands.

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