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RIP Corey Haim

March 10th, 2010 § 2

Corey Haim Dead at 38 from Apparent Drug Overdose.

So sad. Lucas was one of my favorite movies as a kid. It has the best slow clap scene of all time. Freaking drugs. :(

§ 2 Responses to “RIP Corey Haim”

  • Lauren M says:

    I just read on people that he was living with his mother to help her because she has breast cancer. How horrible for her! RIP Corey Haim

  • Elynne says:

    My husband attended the high school where “Lucas” was filmed, so we watched that movie a lot.

    Only recently did I realize that he also played Sally Field’s son in “Murphy’s Romance.”

    I feel so sorry for his Mom, too. Such a tragedy . . .

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