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What to Expect When You’re Expecting Lost

February 1st, 2010 § 11

As most of you know by now, when it comes to Lost, I don’t mess around. Listed below are some of the features you can come to expect each week while Lost is on!

9 p.m. EST Episode airs. If you live on the East Coast, feel free to join us on MY LIVEJOURNAL for the wonderful and wacky live blog of the show! Create a Livejournal account (it’s free) and jump right in! It’s always tons of fun and full of CAPSLOCK(E).

10 p.m. If live blogging isn’t your thing (or you live in another time zone), check out the AFTERPARTY where we get hundreds of comments on what the hell just happened.

NEW! Wednesday: I’ll be posting a mini-recap of what happened on the episode the night before. This will be more of a straightforward recap, sans screencaps. I’ll also be listing some questions and theories that came out of the episode so we can all discuss in a geeky fashion throughout the week!

Sunday evening: Recap will be posted. Apologies that they’ve got such a slow turnaround time, but I’ve got a full time job to contend with. I’m hoping the mid-week recap and discussion posts will keep you guys going!

I’ll also be posting new Benry Knows Best comics throughout the season, thanks to our resident artist, IHD!

Don’t forget that you can follow me on Twitter and/or Facebook to stay up-to-date with new posts on the site!

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