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LOST DVDs on Sale

January 9th, 2010 § 8

While drinking my coffee and perusing the weekly circulars this morning I saw that starting tomorrow Target will have Seasons 1-4 of LOST for $17.99 and Season 5 for $22.99.

Best Buy will have all 5 seasons on Blu-Ray on sale for $34.99 all week as well.

We have 23 days left until 2/02!!!!!!! It’s time for some marathoning! I’m still only in Season 2. The horror!

Just a reminder, if you’d like to be kept abreast (lol) of my various LOST-related updates, you can Become a fan on Facebook or Follow me on Twitter!

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§ 8 Responses to “LOST DVDs on Sale”

  • LithiumRox says:

    For some reason, in my head, you are so astonished by the amazing Lost sales that you spit out the coffee you were drinking all over the ads in shock.
    Yet another sign that I watch far too much TV for my own good.

  • oh man! thanks for the tip – I need S5 still!

  • Ack says:

    @LithiumRox haha I would have done that had I not already bought all 5 seasons the day they came out! I just get excited about sales and feel the need to share with my Lost brethren since I was suckered out of $50 or whatever for them.

  • Lauren M says:

    Proof that Target is the greatest store eva!!!!

    I’m pretty much caught up on my Lost, I need to rewatch some of season two and season three and need to rewatch cabin fever but my disc is screwed up. Proof that I have no life.

  • THANXSPANX says:

    :) makes my day !!!!!

  • monogirl says:

    Oh I’m so glad I’m not the only one still on Season 2! I’m so behind…

  • maureen_in_mukilteo says:

    I hate Best Buy. I ordered the blu-ray fifth season from them for $49 plus free shipping so I could get the bonus disc. Thought that was a good price too. Now if I could only get my blu-ray player to connect to Lost U I might feel like it was worth it. I was really bummed by the lack of commentaries-2 instead of the usual 4.

    Just watched the last 4 eps of Dexter in a row-a show best watched in small sessions. Thought I would have learned from last year’s Dex watching marathon. Now I’m all jittery and upset. Ben might be bad but he is no Dexter. Ben is not a sociopath.

  • Parthenia-S says:

    Very interesting subject, thank you for putting up.Leadership

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