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Lost Season 3 Soundtrack Finally Released!

June 11th, 2008 § 8

For any fans of original soundtracks, the Lost Season 3 soundtrack was finally released last week. Michael Giacchino is back with 2 discs (67 tracks!) of the sometimes disquieting, sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes terrifying, but always amazing music he writes for Lost.

Buy it here on Amazon!

My own personal favorite theme from the show is Locke’s – “Locke’d Out Again” from the Season 1 soundtrack is my favorite piece. Desmond and Penny and Sun and Jin also have gorgeous themes, and you cannot deny the Action Sayid music, or the POOT POOT BRUMP (i.e. Ben says something evil, they cut away to commercial, POOT POOT BRUMP).

An added bonus are Giacchino’s pun-tastic song titles. This time around we’ve got “Leggo My Eko,” “Here Today, Gone to Maui,” “Rushin’ The Russian,” “Benomination of the Temple,” “Weapon of Mass Distraction,” “Through the Locke-ing Glass,” “All Jack’ed Up,” and my favorite, “Jintimidating Bernard.”

The Charlie songs will break your heart. Just a warning.

In other news, thanks for all your wonderful comments on my Lost Finale Recap! Up next I’ve got some lists (The Best Nerds, Geeks, and Dorks) and most likely a Battlestar Galactica Season 4 recap after the last episode airs Friday. So keep an eye out. Unless you’re Colonel Tigh, in which case that may be difficult.


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