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Back like an Ack Attack

June 3rd, 2008 § 3

Good news, kids.

I’ll have your Lost Finale recap posted by the end of the week. Thanks to all for waiting patiently :D

P.S. If you’re a fan of BSG, check out fanwanker’s hysterical BSG stick figure recapof the most recent episode!

Bear McCreary and an update

May 18th, 2008 § 6

Anyone who loved the music on this week’s episode of Battlestar Galactica should definitely read Bear McCreary’s post about scoring the music and Gaeta’s song. Spoilers, obviously! This man never fails to blow my mind!

He also mentions a much later episode in the season and I have to admit, he has me intrigued!

And a quick site update: Real life has been kicking me in the ass lately; I’ve been much busier than usual with work and obligations outside the realm of the interwebs. I won’t have a recap of the Locke episode “Cabin Fever” for you, but I do plan on recapping “There’s No Place Like Home.” Whether or not I recap that episode in two installments or just one big one depends on how much free time I’ve got.

Once things calm down for me I also plan on writing more features for the site, like weekly lists, reviews, and whatever else I can dream up. So keep a look out!

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